Dark Rangers in Stormwind City - RP

The stench of undeath fills the air as your waiter brings over your soup, gagging you take it only to see his eyeball has fallen into it, you politely pass it to him, he smiles awkward and stares for a moment, before being called back by the kitchen staff


Well said!

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The fact that in order to be a stand-out RPer for a lot of concepts, Dark Ranger included, you only need to be generic, is honestly kind of sad.

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You say this in jest, but Elenthas usually comes up with better idea’s and how to execute them then any of the current team of developers ever did.

Same for most other forum regulars.

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I wouldnt say that is the case here today however.

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Usually. Not always.

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Plenty people come up with better ideas than the devs, like any rp’er with an imagination can likely come up with better stuff.

Which has always been a problem in the Stormwind RP-scene, but now with the addition of actual Dark Rangers its a step to far while you know it will die down anyways.

Same happened with the Death Knight, Worgen, Dark Irons, Void Elves, Illidari, now Dark Rangers and Drak’thyr next.

Flavour of the month and even without them you had so many RP concepts none of these guards wantsd to interact with aswell, so stop prtending its a Dark Ranger-only problem literally within a week the customisation option was released… Instead of waiting it out a few weeks like we did with all the aforementioned class/races :thinking:

And yes, I know waiting it out sucks, but you’ll be doing that with Drak’thyrs swarming in Stormwind next…

I am not pretending that its a dark ranger only problem. Just because i voice from where this problem often comes, doesnt mean we shouldnt discuss how we can react to such rp. Thats what this subject is about…

People are entitled to ignore ridiculous concepts/rpers, and as of right now, Darkfallen walzing about Stormwind is pretty ridiculous.

I really don’t want to repeat myself for the 4th time on this thread… But

This isn’t people hating on the new thing. This is about people making sure others understand their characters IC reactions to war criminals roaming the lands of their victims (without an explicit pardon), and expecting things to go well for them.

Of course this doesn’t apply to every possible variety of Darkfallen, but the great majority formerly served Sylvanas to some degree, at the expense of the ones they’re now trying to live alongside. Now, there are many ways which people can explore Darkfallen concepts, as have been discussed many time on this thread. But strolling around Stormwind as if the character has done nothing wrong isn’t one of them.

Well, technically it is… They just won’t get very far.


It’ll be a mix of people ignoring those chars for good reason and some people trying to attack/reprimand them, failing as usual with such chars who try that nonsense in Stormwind and…likely being ignored again.

This is yet to be determined.

Right now, regardless of the reasoning, the treatment of the Darkfallen and the people that play is very similar to the treatment of other controversial classes, races and customisation options when they were first released: Accusations of being special snowflakes and/or bad roleplayers along with suggestions that if people must play them at all, then they should at least play them far away from the primary hub, so that the people who dislike them won’t have to deal with them.

In six months, if there is still a staunch insistence from a large part of the community that the Darkfallen are universally despised by and excluded from the Alliance and that anyone who goes against this is doing it wrong, then I’ll concede that it’s a case of more than just “hating the new thing.”
If the issue has completely faded from the public eye by that point and people no longer care about people roleplaying Darkfallen in Stormwind City by then, then it would be safe to say that this whole issue was probably just a fad and a kneejerk reaction to something new and controversial.


Nah. It means that people gave up to argue and bring logic and reason to those type of rpers.


I understand your reasoning, though I still disagree.
The reactions might be simillar but the situation that’s creating these reactions is different.

Is this another forum contrarians are going to ignore the pertinent point episode?

The reason people are up in arms is because a lot of other people are taking a universally controversial concept from an IC perspective, ignoring all the relevant lore around it and then roleplaying slice of life San’lyn esque characters while expecting everyone to go along with their headcannon… or else!!

All the other classes/races that were mentioned? They were stigamatized for a reason not because of some grand conspiracy, Death Knights are the most prominent for me because I experienced what it was like during WOTLK. The modus operandi was for someone who hadn’t roleplayed in their lives to roll one, step in to Stormwind, try to pick fights with EVERYONE and ignore the consequences of the fact they’re a walking undead abomination that’s one of the scourges (world ending threat that has caused untold death and suffering) shock troopers. None of that even touches on the fact they have to deal out pain and suffering to keep themselves mentally checked etc.

This went on for literally months, randos and people rolling Death Knights to essentially grief RP in Stormwind until they were universally viewed as lepers because for every good Death Knight there was one hundred more that were powerplaying and acting like a nuisance.


Couldnt agree more, typically the DK/DH’s you see walking around SW are those types, Ive been in a DK guild, an Ebon Blade guild and from my experience thats how you rp a DK, going off doing Ebon Blade/DK related stuff in areas suited to them, not prancing around Cathederal Square with a ghoul expecting everyone to be chill, same goes for DR’s, why would they be walking around Stormwind and why wouldnt the people of Stormwind want to murder them on sight? and for me “Cuz we have customisation options now” doesnt cut it, if they added red skins to Draenei tomorrow, would we all be expected to hold hands with Eredar rp’ers and sing Kumbya?

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I still like to point out… Thats exactly what the Dark Irons did when they were forced into a council by Varian (Who wasn’t even a leader of Ironforge!)

And here we’re talking about hundred years of animosity and them blowing up Grim Batol + kidnapping the Princess of Ironforge! (Lets also not forget them summoning Ragnaros and decimating whole swaths of lands while doing so!)

Which luckily never happened in Stormwind in the past decades WoW-RP has been a thing. There are still DK’s/DH/s/VE’s etc drinking and relaxing in bars, chasing gals/guys and dancing on mailboxes… And all the complaints on the forums did not stop them.

You know why? Because those people don’t read the forums and probably never will since they just want their Second-Life RP and they couldn’t give a rat’s behind about lore.

And the people where this complains are about is nobody on this forums, because most on these forums are actually decent RPers, unlike the ones currently RPing Darkfallen looking for jobs in Stormwind.

Also as most of you state: if you want quality RP, perhaps you should RP outside of Stormwind, I mean, thats what you expect from quality DR/DK/DH/VE RPers aswell, right?

Personally, I avoid Stormwind like the plague on all my characters and I never got any worse for it.

I don’t hate Dark Rangers, nor am I against the idea of a Dark Ranger night elf wanting to return to their life in the Alliance, however there is no reason they should be walking around Stormwind City, hanging around the Cathedral and trying to do citizen RP.

Characters like that are just not meant for it. Demon Hunters have no business lounging around the Blue Recluse, drinking and lauging while there’s a demon grappling their soul. Death Knights have no business hanging around Stormwind, loitering with nothing to do. The same applies to Dark Rangers. As a Dark Ranger/Demon Hunter/Death Knight, you have a purpose in your existence. You don’t have luxury of resting in the park, or going out to eat a fig.

The idea of Dark Rangers spending their times smiling and laughing and talking about common gossip, flirting and going out for a drink, then cuddling and dancing makes my head hurt, and I would rather not see it, nor give people the opportunity to poorly justify why they’re allowed to lounge and live in Stormwind City (“I have the right documents.”)

If you have business in Stormwind, that’s fine. If you’re hanging around in Stormwind, because you’re bored and have nothing better to do, that’s not fine. You’re a Dark Ranger/Death Knight/Demon Hunter. You shouldn’t have moments where you have nothing better to do.


'Ate Deathknights
'Ate Demon Hunters
'Ate Dark Rangers
Love me some Light.