Dark Rangers in Stormwind City - RP

Game play is why I can spam a dozen or so AoE spells without slaying dozens of innocent of civilians in the middle of SW or use my favorite burning fel mount without setting buildings on fire and being assaulted by guards, who will just stand there as if controlled by the constraints of gameplay.

Or be it why my obnoxiously large Clefthoof parade isn’t mowing down people, carts and buildings alike while taking up the entire width of the walkway.

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“respected SW guard”, roll up on a Horde alt, go on, see what happens.

We’re all PCU now.



“Why did you kill one of our people?”
“They crossed our borders and walked into our city in clear violation of the armistice”
“Oh, okay.”

Okay buddy but in the case of the Darkfallen literally every single one of them either served Arthas or Sylvanas and without an official pardon they will be enemies of the Alliance and dead-to-rights. This isn’t a “looks like the perp” deal.


So… In other words, the PCU’s newest fault is good RP and knowing their lore ? I was just telling my girlfriend yesterday that when it comes to the PCU I’ve had better RP with any of their guilds than the entirety of Stormwind. I guess that’s the reason.


I think “Horde Ambassador/Diplomat” concepts visiting opposite capitols should be left to the writers/lore figures personally


Vast majority still DO serve the scourge.
(I look at the Blood Elf questline that has you literally dunking on a San’layn in the Ghostlands)


Good work Agent #37441
Keep up the charade


Unironically this.

Or at the very least have an ALLIANCE diplomat meet the Horde one in an open space away from the populated city, where guards and citizens wouldn’t cause a scene.

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the only ones we’ve seen were the high chieftain of the tauren tribes and the high chieftain of highmountain respectively.

So it’s a bit strange to see Il’g’j’gegw’g’wg Leafsong the dark ranger (elite personal agent of the traitor-warchief Sylvanas Windrunner) pop up as an ambassador.


There’s a place for this to be RPed, but it is not a place for your average dark ranger in Stormwind.

Now, Sig. How does it feel to be PCU?


Nah, its gunna be my lone DR alt who btw, in their diplomatic/ambassadorial duties hang around the Cathederal district arguing with members of the Alliance and chilling in pubs arguing with locals.

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Darkspear Ambassadors came, but they were forced to remain on their boats in the harbour, under guard.


FORMER elite personal agent of the traitor-warchief Sylvanas Windrunner.

The word former is very important that is why it is in every single BadRP Undead’s title.


yeah, held at a sword’s length in the most literal sense.

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But people want to role-play in the hot spot, so we will end up with half the elven population being second-life Blood Elven Ambassadors so that they can ever so conveniently be in Stormwind but not be attacked.

Such as Elves that live in ‘Dalaran’ but spend the majority of their time in Stormwind and educating Alliance characters on enlightened-centrism and how the Alliance is but one side of the same coin.

Yes, small rant.

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Lol, feels insane, as if someone just injected Bane venom in my veins

I am not sure if I am impressed or saddened, that knowing the lore is a bad thing to most of these second life RPers, it scares me though. It truly scares me, the level of idiocy is breathtaking.

Also now that I know the PCU are strong sticklers for the lore, I suddenly have the urge to join them and piss off the cuddle rangers in Stormwind just that little bit more…


This reminds me an awful lot of that one time I joined Freemasonry because a colleague in Uni invited me to, only to end up trying to argue with conspiracy nuts that, if anything, it’s a social club with a some nice theatrics inserted into it and then being told how they know better than me, an actual mason, and how we actually rule the world and all while I was struggling to survive through uni. :thinking:

I must now legally direct you to the [PCU] Worgen/Night Elf RP - Dirge of Teldrassil 🌳