Dark Rangers in Stormwind City - RP

That’s why I said it’s debatable. The other examples are still very real outside of that though.

While I don’t know if the Ebon Blade would trust any san’layn as allies, I don’t see the problem with their kind acting independently and in a manner not overtly monstrous. They clearly pick and choose their loyalties as they please, and I don’t think it’s a stretch that some of them have no interest in commanding mindless undead.

I kinda was doing yesterday same approach: “Nice cosplay, bro, that new palette from Barbershop is quite good, eh?” but when they go all full serious on “I’m a Dark Ranger, begone peasant” my reaction is: “Ah, also a mentally challenged one. Bye.” and if I’m forced into combat then its just nope nope nope.

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Sounds like a fun character concept for a Faire character in costume.

Throw a sponge at the Dark Ranger, win a prize. All proceeds go to those most affected by the war.


Or she’s a banshee in the same vein of Sylvanas.
We have no lore… Kind of like this situation now.

Me personally, I adore Dark Ranger theme, and I think eveybody agrees, that it looks so cool and far more interesting than half naked elves in Stormwind, so you better pay attention to those ERpers and leave people who like dark fantasy style alone.

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Why do we have to pick one over the other to tolerate when we can ostracize one for IC and the other for both OOC and IC reasons?

Are you mixing IC with OOC?

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Treat them like the Horde has been treating sand trolls since the advent of Shadowlands.

There not so many people RPing, if you guys continue to act like this everytime something new comes out, you will end up rping with those few who are okay with isolative bubble you want to live in.

Think about it, take for example kaldorei dark rangers, after recent events why they won’t be willing to return to their kin? It is completely understandable and makes sense! Yes, it could be described better, but damn! At least we have this! And it is alright!

I could understand your opinion if Stormwind was not full of warlocks, illidaries and death knights, which is far more lore breaking than the Dark Rangers who have genuine reason to join the rest of their kin.

I bet when dracthyr comes out, it will be the same issue again and again, just because people are so blind to accept something new, it is far more easier for them to get angry about things that actually open new possibilietes and bring new Rpers into community.

All I want to say, that there always be some things that don’t work for everyone lorewise. I encourage everyone to open your eyes, and if you don’t like something, don’t act like everybody thinks the same as you. Peace <3


You’re doing the Lord’s work.

Why are you bringing your OOC idealism into something as simple as my characters, some of which have existed for a longer period of IRL time than some of the youngers players I encounter, not being fine with Dark Rangers/Darkfallen being around and would rather antagonize and attempt to kill them?


maybe a hot take (not for me tbh?) if you wish to RP any of the inherently societally limited classes, you shouldn’t be upset that you cannot just walk into a bar and hit up a conversation with the other patrons.
this doesn’t mean that any outcast characters existing in large hubs is an issue in an of itself, but that on an OOC level those people should be willing to face the possibility of being ostracised (even if story-wise it was through no fault of their own) - my character isn’t a perfect being who will be able to see through their own prejudices and make the “best” call every time

and always remember, IC is IC - just because my -character- hates someone doesn’t mean -I- hate them

ofc stating this all out loud feels rly pointless honestly so w/e i look forward to getting my first drink served by a dark ranger :woozy_face:


So basically you are saying, “I don’t like Dark Rangers, and because of that, I want everybody to do what I want” Right?

I mean, ICly your character can hate whoever or whatever he or she wants, but there are also those who think otherwise, and there is nothing you can do about it. And because of this, people think of putting such topics in public, because for some reason they can’t accept this fact.

Why not just accept new cool looking rangers and get on with it.

I couldn’t say better, true!

I can understand people wanting to RP in Stormwind on their brand new shiny Dark Ranger characters, truly.
It isn’t the devs’ or the writers’ fault that it’s nigh-impossible to find RP outside of that place, it makes sense that people want to go where the RP is, and perhaps feel upset when that’s challenged because their character concept isn’t really meant to be there.

I’m still gonna call you dumb for it, but I do understand.


I’ll just reiterate what I said from the Drachtyr thread. There are always going to be people who do it terrible, that’s both with new races and with old. I also think that not many of the people that it’s concerning read these forums anyways. ( Don’t know of it’s existence, too “toxic”, to name a few of their arguments).

I know one thing though. Desartin is currently on campaign, and should he encounter Stormwind full of Dark Rangers, chances are he’ll go “What the (censored) happened here while I was gone?”.


Basically what I’m saying is the several paragraphs of text I’ve already written in this very topic and which I encourage you to read and analyze before you respond to me again.

And they do so quite rightly because, as it’s been pointed out by many other players here, the IC reasoning for accepting this yet another addition of not-Void Elves and Darkfallen Night Elves has been implemented extremely poorly and with no indication what our characters should do.

Since we don’t have anything on that beyond some vague assumptions and a one-liner of how this subsect of undead war criminals might want to rejoin the Alliance, players go for what they might do in similar situations, and roll with what their characters would logically do.

Queue any war veteran and less than all accepting morally good law abiding characters who may have survived the First War, Second War, the Fall of Lordaeron, two Scourge Invasions, the Wrathgate incident, any war against the New Horde that involved the Forsaken (hint: There’s been a few at this point), that may have also involved their family, loved ones, friends and cherished leaders obliterated or raised as an undead monstrosity and you will find that these characters acting the way you and the other second life RPer Darkfallen want them to would completely against who they are.

Please do not again paint me, or others who are in some way against this development, as some grudging old men who can’t accept new things or new lore. You aren’t only wrong, you are ignoring what people have written so far and makes you look dumb.


I remember someone toying with the idea of a “dark ranger/dk” type with a “rune bow” concept, and when explained it sounded pretty dope, and yeah, Ebons have Liches n all sorts in their guilds, a few darkfallen spellcaster/“spellbows(?)” would fit like a glove I imagine and like stated add more variety than just a group of melee units, the Ebon Blade can become a pretty well rounded army now, between melee units/casters/archers

Tbh we gunna have dragonkin running around in SW alongside long time members of the Alliance in DK’s/DH’s/Warlocks, Dark Rangers while hamfistedly added to the Alliance really arent all that inappropriate, almost nothing is now


Friend, we are not arguing about that. You have the point, but also there is a thing called RP community and we could be less agressive towards things we don’t like.

Or you want Alliance RP to become like Horde RP? Isolative and bubbled completely?
How about Boralus? Boralus RP was so interesting and cool, but look at its state now. Boralus is quite dead, and you know why? Because people have that toxic mentality of creating their isolative community where others are not allowed to join because there is something they don’t like about them.

By saying this, I mean there are hundreds of ways to play around the Dark Rangers being in Stormwind, but you just want to isolate some part of players who like the idea of being darkfallen rangers.

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