Darkfallen/ Undead community (Questions)

Sinu a’manore,

During the Remix of MoP I’ve been leveling a rogue blood elf, soon to be a Darkfallen Enforcer. Now I’ve noticed that the horder roleplay scene is (still) very clique like. Most roleplay in guilds and what not.

Is there an area dedicated for Darkfallen/ Undead (loyal to the Desolate Council) to gather often?

There are also Discord (Roleplay) communities popping up left and right for certain regions, races and classes. What about a Darkfallen/ Undead one? Just for general uses? To plot and scheme so to speak.

I hope you have a fantastic day! <3

Elor bindel felallan morin’aminor

The horde discord is a good place where to look at.

You’re bound to meet some forsaken role-players.


Thank you for the quick response.
I am already in that Discord. But I was looking for a more Darkfallen/ Undead focussed. I know there was the Tirisfallen one way back.

I’ll see if anyone there can answer the question :smiley: <3

There’s not much in the name of community Discords and such beyond neutral ones and the one Zaphius has just mentioned, to my knowledge. Besides that, there are two active Forsaken guilds that I know of.

Beyond these two guilds, keep in mind that you do not need to roleplay your Forsaken character in some dedicated area where you can only interact with other Forsaken. Your character is a part of the Horde, and you can interact with anyone in the Horde in any Horde city or town, or even the other faction in neutral cities and towns.

A public event for the Horde I’m personally waiting for is this one, if you want to take a peek. As I’ve said, all Horde allowed.

Also, it’s less about using the pejorative synonym for a ‘group’ and more like fantasy RPGs have had DMs and groups since Chris Metzen was a newborn. There’s no shame in people being in a guild to roleplay together, and I can assure you that they won’t turn your nose up at you and not roleplay with you if you approach them for some roleplay.


I swear I’ll liquidate my enter button one day…
Much appreciated for the plug :star_struck:

Your comment about group RP rings quite true, in fact I believe it is a -very- -incedible- small minority of Roleplayers when engaging in a group/guild that they would act hostile to being walked up.
Often my rule of thumb is: If they’re roleplaying in a public space, it’s game for interactions.

To keep in mind interactions do tend to go easier with what is familiar and already has some dynamics build up that will flow through, some characters for example are ridiculously awful at smalltalk IC including my Ranger

If it may be within your interest, Silvermoon is seeing RP on the daily again with loads of faces old and new, now I am a bit lacking on the lore myself to calculate how a visit there would go for a Darkfallen given I used to Alliance main so I am still trying to wire myself to the dynamics of Team Red.

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Thank you for the guilds, though I’m currently not looking to join a guild with this character.

And I know I can visit capital cities. Though for character reasons I will not. Therefore I was looking to find a reason to visit a certain place because of “rumors”.
It seems that there is some room for creative thinking here.

As for the event(s), I’ll direct back to the in character reasons.

This often leads to being excluded in the end because your character had not been part of what happened. Been there and experienced that. But once again thank you both so much for your responses. <3

Try keeping an eye on Tarren Mill. I wouldn’t exactly call it a hub, but it’s where we (Corpsegrin Irregulars) usually are when we are not out and about making the world unsafe, and afaik, the Gravesworn hang out there quite a bit too.

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Thank you for the tip.
Once Remix let’s my character go I’ll make sure to lurk in the shadows once in a while.

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Greetings! I saw us being mentioned above.

Just to clarify, as far as “Darkfallen” go, The Gravesworn only takes in Dark Rangers. As mentioned above, Corpsegrin Irregulars also hang out in Tarren Mill from time to time and while I can’t speak for them, they might be more opened to them.

Otherwise, I am not aware of any other Horde allined guilds that might fit them well, but maybe there are some. They do lend themselves more to evil RP after all.

Good luck!

Everyone else has already said it,

But I’d Strongly recommend The Corpsegrin Irregulars. :skull:

Our Boi Rotwild has a pretty great, lore accurate guild that’s also filled with a nice bunch of people.

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