[H-RP] Forsaken Military RP - The Gravesworn 🎃

The war is lost!
Many said when General Lordain and five hundred of his most loyal soldiers gave their lives so bravely to delay the Amani advance into our lands during the Troll Wars.

The war is lost!
Many said when the fel corrupted Orcs crossed over the Alterac Mountains and laid siege to our glorious Capital City during the Second War.

The war is lost!
Many said when the patricidal Prince and his Scourge enslaved us under the nefarious will of the Lich King in the Third War.

The war is lost!
Many said when the Stormwind-lead imperious Alliance laid claims to our lands in the name of the flawed and inferior humanity.

The war is lost!
Many said, and perhaps still say, after our defeat in Darkshore, after the loses and confusion of the bitter Fourth War, after the truce and changes in leadership that followed…

But the war is NOT lost! It never was lost! It never will be lost! Not as long as we, the Forsaken of Lordaeron, keep fighting for our homeland, our rightful place in the world, and against any who would pose a threat to our Kingdom!

The war will go on. It must.


The Gravesworn, officially the Ninth Hillsbrad Dreadguard, is a Forsaken military unit primarily focused on keeping the borders of Lordaeron safe, expanding the influence of the Forsaken abroad, and maintaining the flames of war lit.

Tarren Mill is where we usually operate from. Our focus is on Hillsbrad and Lordaeron as a whole (norf RP :sunglasses:), but we travel wherever the call to arms takes us.

As a military unit we naturally have a uniform. Primarily we use the Sinister Gladiator sets (or any recolours) with some minor exceptions. However, fresh recruits need only wear the Undercity Tabard and an appropriate transmog.

When it comes to who we recruit, we are Forsaken so obviously undead. We allow Dark Rangers to use the blood elf model with the apropriate customisation. We also allow other non-playable races should you wish to RP an abomination, a banshee or maybe a leper gnome.

Our rules are standard. No ERP or NSFW content. No OOCing in /s, /e, or /y. Keeping IC and OOC separate.

You can whisper Jaws or leave an in-game mail.


Ran into these folks a few time, they’re stellar. Highly recommend them to anyone who plays a corpse.


Had an entertaining exchange or two with this lot. Refreshingly in-touch with all of that classic lore - it actually made me a little nostalgic.

I wish them well in their efforts to remind the living of their place, and to combat the Tarren Mill rat infestation by which their executor is perennially menaced.


Answering a distress call from Hiri’watha Research Station, the Gravesworn are tackling the troll cultists menace in the Hinterlands.