Darkstar Trackers

Darkstar Trackers


Good luck Solavel. Love to references to Warcraft 3. :crescent_moon:

Log out then in, and it shall update. :slight_smile:


That fixed it, thanks, and yes, all the quotes are from Warcraft 3.

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Elunespeed, Heret- Alliance Friends, Praise Saurfang my dudes.


My Warcraft 3 nostalgia kicked in and now I am a deceased, dehydrated mess. Best of luck to you, and may our paths cross sometime.


I really like the originality of the concept, especially its focus on rebuilding their home & recruiting / bonding with their natural allies. I feel that’s severely neglected outside of druid-esque guilds most of the time and night elf guilds are too often just purple humans, their culture and bond with nature (and the role it plays in war) completely disregarded. So this is quite cool.

One thing, though:

and they may transfer industrial minerals through secret pathways beneath the earth which they burrow themselves with their earth-shaping gifts.

We see night elf civilians mine ore in Darkshore, not wisps, and as far as I know they’re never shown to repair/rebuild anything that isn’t wood. Some lore nerd can feel free to prove me wrong :relaxed:

Edit: Just checked WC3 wisp and remembered they can mine gold, so disregard what I said above. Blizz might’ve forgot.

Good luck with the guild!


This is amazing. Best of luck to you!

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This is my glaive
This is my owl
With eyes of night
I will hunt the foul

My guide is the moon
My drums are ripe
With mystic gifts
From the moonkin tribes

My oath is forever
To hunt in Her name
To harness Their fury
And bring Them fame

Wilds are my home
It’s where I belong
From them I forage
To make my kin strong

My strength is the earth
The sea and the sky
They nourish my body
Keep me swift and spry

My harmony is a star
In the Great Dark Beyond
It nurtures my soul
Through our lunar bond


Nothing to see here, just replying so Solavel can post again.

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A blue-maned huntress with the blue markings of the bear and a green-maned druid with the emerald markings of the serpent were spotted sculpting a lot of grey moonstones over the past week at Stonetalon Mountains.

These grey-shaded moonstones have been crafted, prepared, then distributed among the groves and roads of Ashenvale and Feralas alike. Engraved on them are Darnassian sigils in green ink; each monolith reads something different than the other:

Here stands a humble shrine of the mighty moonkin tribes. Bring a worthy offering and you shall earn their blessing of blue flame, that you may wield their magical wisdom and the fury of the Night Warrior.

Here stands a humble shrine of the mighty coastal nightsabers. Bring a worthy offering and you shall earn their blessing of swiftness and ferocity. May you wield Ashamane’s elusivenss to slip away from danger, and her fury to rip your prey apart.

Here stands a humble shrine of the mighty Tortolla. Bring a worthy offering and you shall earn his blessing of sun-basking turtles. May the warmth of his amber flame give you strength, that none may break your tenacity. Let the defilers’ strikes break against yours.

Here stands a humble shrine of the mighty dolphin spirits. Bring a worthy offering and you shall earn their blessing of seaborne cyclones and falling rain. May the tranquility of their rainfall bring you inner peace, and may you travel and strike with the howling swiftness of their typhoons.


Bumping for elf buddy!!



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