Date the poster above you<3 #2

Toad will take the true believer out on a date. Toad will bring you along to help invade the Exodar and eliminate the Naaru and the Draenei, to free and save ALL OF AZEROTH

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Do you know what happens to a Toad when itā€™s struck by lightning?

The same thing that happens to everything else.

It croaks!

Thatā€™s how the joke goes. For that alone, thereā€™s no date. Nuh-uh. Doesnā€™t matter how chiseled you elves are, or how unnaturally handsome youā€¦ areā€¦

Sorry I have to be somewhere else.


Well hello there;)

Let me shave you.

As a druid I shallā€¦ Humbly take the worgen fur you shave and use it as a rug. - Because itā€™d be -dreadful- if it was wasted and imbalanced-ā€¦ nature, and all that.

Also, we can have some dreamleaf tea or something.

After you shaved, we could talk nature-boy

Sadly, the Kaldorei lack a certainā€¦ sophistication. In the case of you specifically, Mr. Ravenwhisper, the fel taint is simply the cherry atop an already wobbling cake.

Eyā€¦ Let me show you the natural way.
You uptights like going wild from time to time, eh?

This will not work at allā€¦ Flips the bird and walks out Blasted hippiesā€¦

ā€œHeard weird things about you guys, whispers and tentaclesā€¦ā€

Ponders a bit

ā€œWell, you only live onceā€¦ ohā€¦ never mind. How about a drink?ā€

Thereā€™s quite alot of ā€¦ thirsty undead in here.

I wonder how that works anyway? Can corpses feel emotions?

She puts on her glasses

ā€œWell, my dear pointy eared firend, Emotion is a mental state brought on by thoughts, feelings, and behavioural responses, and intertwined with mood, temperament and personality
Among the 76 diferent kind of emotions, only a few of them are ā€œpositiveā€, so to speak, like Arousal, Joy or Lust, Trust or Ecstasy but even those are debatableā€¦ the rest are mostly neutral or downright negative.
And if someone is capable of feeling negative emotions, like Anguish, Anger, Depression or Hatred - wich are ā€œprovenā€ the not-living are capable of - then it have the capability to feel the neutral and positive onesā€¦ā€

Zymara smiles to the Sinā€™dorei

ā€œWould really love to continnue such scientific debates over a dinerā€¦ Master Thalā€™kiel was a briliant mind, sadly stigmatized for his studies of the Chaos, Fel and Demonsā€¦ we turned our back on Him and in turn he turned his back on his people and tired to rule. Maybe if Valen and Kilā€™jaden would have accepted his work, we would have been preapred for the arrival of the Dark Titan, and armed with knowledge things would happened differentlyā€¦ so Iā€™m more than willing to give you a chance, to prove, you are not some power hungry damned monsterā€

She offers her hand with a wink

ā€œWe could kill each other later, if its not workingā€¦ā€

Speaking of emotions, i feel all of the first three positive emotions you listed.


My emotions are surpressed by undeath. posetive ones i only feel rarely and only very briefly. so No i am not one to go for.

Negative emotions though. Anger, cruelty, veangence. yessssss

Too dead and too many pieces of cloth. Wear less and be more alive.

Wellā€¦ I would love to if you werenā€™t a heretical void userā€¦ but alas.

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Soā€¦ those tentaclesā€¦ are they prehensile? Just asking.

Yes. Also, they can chokehold an elekk bull.

But I like you
Now we only have to find another one of you guys and we can have a nice Jedā€™hin duel!
Always nice to see two strong man fghting before dateā€¦