Date the poster above you<3 #2

You’ll never be alone… :heart:

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(complete sentence)

I dunno…

Do you enjoy stewed prunes? it’s the only thing I can eat these days…
it’s good for the bowels!
Ah what the heck! I’ll have dinner with an elf, if not just to learn more about this world!

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“I… don’t think so. Unfortunately, I have no will to spend time meant to be romantic with someone who seems to be well under way of becoming senile and far too elderly to be anything but chores to be near.”

at least he becomes senile the conventional way, you voided addled long smurf.
No respect for the elders, No fashion sense and most of all no date.

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You are a Troll
And wearing an ugly sweatter
Either would be a good reason to execute you on sight…
…so no. No date mon

Eww, not another Void Elf.

You are so adorable trying to look all grown up in your ‘engineering’ hoodie :>

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Are you one of those masked girls, who likes to run on rooftops, running with your arms behind you?
I’m one of those void boys, who likes hiding in shadows, high places, sniping that kind of girls, shoothing them in the butt with sedative darts
Your new nickname: Prey
Start runing… this date will be fun

Ehhh… you seem kind of creepy.

Also, I can outrun your bullets.

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Uhm… magic bullets? ^^’

Too creepy. No thank you.

Too snuggly. She’s mine now, bois.

Perfect hat. How can I say no?

I heard you don’t date people you do business with, sorry.

well i like doing business!

So do I, now jump back into da campfire.

Ya’ wanna share some gnome-nuggets with me and join me at the gold-forge mon? Be real romantic.

I take your gold and I let you live, deal?

I take your gold and your unlife… deal? :dagger: