Date the poster above you<3 #2


Bah! The dead dont care of genders! Your courtly invited for tea

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Sorry, I am too picky…
Prefer my dates, first and foremost… alive
And be at least as tall as me…
But not really fond of humans

You are being deadist? Aliveist? Undeadist?
Whatever the word is, I can’t date with such close-minded person.

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If you’re that woke, wait until I take you to the bedchambers…

We’ll discuss politics, mostly.

Picked the wrong side, I think it’s a no from me. Maybe we can be friends, maybe.

“I have spent some time on that side, its not that bad… well, of course, all of them are lower life forms, or primitve animals… and the Trolls are ancient enemies… the Greenskins only brought with them death and destruction and the goblins helped them… aaaand okay, the undead filth almost destroyed the world and… Come to think of it, I can’t really name one good reason why the High… err… Blood! Blood Elves are in that ragtag band of barbarians… ! The Taurens were okay. I guess. It’s a shame we uhm… decided to leave before the Shal’dorei joined the Horde!
Err… anyhow, we are back on the good side now! So we are in the same team and that nasty arcane addiction is gone too, so you don’t have to fear I would try to syphon you dry of your magic… uhm… yeah.
Let’s try this date-thing m’lady… nothing could go wrong!”

How about we start by trying to syphon the bar dry of it’s ale? You can move onto magic later if you’re not satisfied…

Keep the keg of ale in and barrel of wine tossed out like the filthy drink it is, I’m in.

I hope you like biting, daddy.

Hmmmm Well well well.

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Well now!
I love a good challenge!
A romantic chase on the rooftops, hide and seek among the trees… who will be the hunter, who will be the prey?
Arrows vs daggers
Some love-potions/poisons…
All is fair in love and war!

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it’s time to stop posting

1 Like I sadly don’t date drunk hobbits. It would never work out.

Me, you, a few ghouls and loads of killing.

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You can turn me into one of your minions anytime.

No, very much no. I don´t want flear in my hair.

Maybe a bit too… fel, for me. I know this skin is green, but I’d rather it not go red.

Why not? Red is my favorite color
But I’m fine with green skin too

Eh, you’re an undeath, I’m a machine.

Let’s go on a date.

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I would not mind finding out what makes you…tick