Date the poster above you<3 #2

Hey! How did you escape from my cooking pot?!

I helped. You were overloading it with meat. Here, let me show you how to make a proper stew…

One punch panda?


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Okay, that was good, really
But you are still a gnome, so sorry, no date

I can consider having a drink. But I doubt either of us are attracted to the other’s race, given the vast differences in biology.
So let’s call it a friendly night out? Maybe we’ll find you a pretty little vulpera girl. I’ve a good eye for potential matches.

Differences add interest. Commonalities make for good instincts. Either way, we should get noodles.

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After ten thousand years behind our shield I’m on a tour to re-discover the tastes of Azeroth!
At the moment I would gladly sink my teeth in to anything to experience different flavours, savour the taste… be it noodle or a Pandaren
Just one question! Two actually…
What kind of wine do you prefer? :wine_glass:
Aaaand do you have white or dark meat? :fork_and_knife:

Too many questions. First-hand experience is the best teacher, hehe. :skull:

Poor little dead puppy want love and compassion? :broken_heart:
Too bad
Back to your crypt, undead fiend, the only kiss you would recive from me, would be from the sharp edge of my blade! :skull_and_crossbones:

Never thought I’d be dating a vulpera first time for everything I suppose

See? This is how we ended up with the Windrunner sisters hooking up with… ugh… Humans
Even the dead one…
But you are right… keep an open mind! I’ve heard even Elisande, may she rest in peace, had secret quarters within the Nighthold, filled with her nightborne concubines, and one “exotic” concubine: a gnome.
So maybe I’m not that “exotic” and could be one of your ancestors… but hey… first time for everything, eh?

Is this… your bike?:wink:

You fashion sense is fascinatingly appalling.

Please appal me, mommy Levey.

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Lady, consider yourself spanked with a void tentacle… :squid:

How can you even consider that?!

There must be another way!




That is what you have.
But its okey, your death daddy love you anyway

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I thought this was on the Roleyplaying forum for a moment, not AD!


Got me good there :tired_face: :ok_hand:

But it’s more of why do people keep this borderline ERP thread alive. Just look at the last 50 posts or so, it’s just 2-3 coomer posts a day. And not really a way i think our realms forum should be portrayed at all.


Burn it all.