Date the poster above you<3 #2

Oh no, I have killed the thread… is it the One Punch Man transmog?

It’s just… no one wants to date a furry.

Ya know?

Nonsense, I’d date that bouncy lass in a heartbeat… provided she drank some right proper ale. But apparently ale isn’t supposed to taste like ash and saltpeter - or so the madam says.

Her loss, your gain. Bottoms up gnome.


No idea if alcohol has the same effect now that I am possesed by a demon, but let us share a drink, my fiery, pint-sized companion.

You’re not Alryette.

No deal.

Do not claim my over the top not-elf

Is… is it true what they say about the size of a troll’s tusks?

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What kind of monk are you actually panda-girl…?
Anyhow, your built in pelt-before-the-fireplace sound strangely interesting…

A pretty purple thalassian lass?

Count me in!

Your wallet… you must have lost it on the way here
Found it
Sadly, empty
Sooo… any reward?
But no date, sorry
Can I have my reward please?

Well since my wallet is empty, I can’t give you a reward, sadly.

You’ll have my gratitude ofcourse.

But… but if you have no money in your wallet, how are you going to pay for the drinks? D:

Dont worry, I can sneak into Goldshire inn and rob some gnomes;)

You do relise, Gnomes in Goldshire don’t carry pockets to rob
Or clothes
But considering you are a naked silver haired man-bear… you will find yourself home with nice job opportunities :nauseated_face:
All and all, even after long time on the Sea I wouldn’t even consider a date with you… :axe: :fox_face: :dagger:

scritch scritch scritch scritch scritch scritch scritch

Cut that ouuoooooh niiice!
Grrr… now I hate you!

[Skip me]

Prepare for trouble.

And make it double.

(We’re twins)

Will both of you kindly follow me to that tree over there?
Points to tree

This ugly mask i wear is only to scare away gnomes and sorts.

OH look, I seem to have some brew with me.
So, how yo doin?

A nice Elven lady
Could work!
Just… take of that octopus mask!
Its a mask, I-isn’t it?
Please Gral, tell me its a mask!

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