Date the poster above you<3 #2

Well basically everything above whats in your post. so you got that covered.

All my alts are on AD, I casual rp with this one and do content with it.(2 alts i do content with)

Also casual RP with all my other ones. Not to keen on guild rp, but i don’t hate it.

And to be honest i’m kinda salty you called me a coomer though. Thats just nasty af though.

This can be easily avoided by not posting thirsty posts in these types of threads. It’s all about your own presentation :slight_smile:


Now i know better.

I have an open mind… as open as a field, as open as the sky. No mind could be more open without special surgical implements!
But even with that, a date with something like you is out of the question!

I see the PCU and their bootlicker Tehya don’t have anything else to do at the moment again, eh?

I had to google this one and man, that’s nasty.

Dolmio RP, I googled this, I get information about creamy pasta sauce???

That said, I have never erp’ed ingame, not will I ever defend ERP’ing ingame, but I am also a frequent poster, so according to you I’m a defender of ERP?

You are not really a fan of undead, am I right? Perfectly understandable

Well, it’s your lucky day! My appearance might be deceiving, but I’m pretty much alive

Pulls an enormous sign out of nowhere which reads: Not a Death Knight IC :heartpulse:

lol glad to hear that you = huge fan, say hi to your brother for me ok?


One unit of grip for this coomer gnome please


So you have heard of us. Seems we also live rent free in your head.

I will have you know Tehya is a member and not some stranger.

People sticking their things in pasta sauce.

Now you know what the group you fall under is called, coomer.


I’m glad to tell you I don’t fall under the group that defends ERP, no matter what that weird spasm in your head makes you think so.

Also kinda sad that one PCU’er goes into a thread, derails it with their opinion, gets pats on the shoulder from fellow PCU’ers because his/her opinion is “so right” all the while insulting anyone else that may (in)frequently visits that thread.

Then again, it’s kind of a PCU thing to do, derailing threads and slapping eachother on the back for a job well done :wink:

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PCU man bad!

Screams the erper, for he knows he may never taste the PCU’s divine quality due to his disrespect for the ToS

Dw twili i know u just have your crazy moments, we all have our flaws


Ah man, I can’t believe Tehya was exiled from the PCU…


In this case, yes the PCU members in this thread are the bad ones.

I also would like to point out that my earlier statement about “PCU and Tehya” was abit to broad and I meant the PCU members in this thread, activelly insulting the posters and derailing the thread are at fault.

If you are so offended by this thread report it/have it flagged or whatever the term is and get it removed by Blizzard, don’t go in here and act like you have the moral high ground while the very first post from a member of the PCU this round was insulting everyone that posts here.

Dw, I don’t ERP and, this might come as a shock to you, but I have roleplayed with the PCU on multiple occassions, it’s just the few rotten apples in the PCU that ruin it for me :wink:

Yeah, that’s my bad. I did not know Tehya was a member of the PCU because I only know his/her lvl 58 forum post tauren death knights, haven’t looked up his/her other characters yet.

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I actually didn’t know Tehya joined the PCU. Which guild are you in? :open_mouth:

Can we stop the arguing and get back to trying to date me, please?

Why are you willing to die on the hill of a thread for coomers?

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I’m dying on the hill of me not being a ERP’er, a defender of ERP or a coomer.

You came in this thread with a insult and you only kept insulting me and the other posters and now you’re asking me why I defend myself?

Aren’t you Veshj

I used to roleplay her, yeah. Now she’s a low-level priest alt to try and see what priest pve is like.

Pick one. We all know that any gameplay in wow first happens when you are max level.