Date the poster above you<3 #2

I can spec crucible of flames? Would make me almost a healer.

I hope you like fishing, because im quite the catch.

Hey hey hey now dont call me a fatty. My arms are made for hugs and slaying blood elves and vulperas barehanded while telling yall that your eyes looks like diamonds wore by a siren.

You’re not just a fish, you’re a big white whale!

I hope I don’t get in trouble for hunting you…

“Has anyone ever told you, you are angry when you’re beautiful?”

Don’t see the harm over a few drinks in the magical city of dalaran, the trip alone will be an absolute treat if not the liquor.

What a fascinating tho’ a bit… feral and primodial creature! Can I buy it? Would be a lovely addition to my managerie. Where is its handler…? Anyone? Hello? I have a few golds for your beast! Whait… .why isn’t it on a leash…?

not enough upgrades

Not enough flesh, not enough height, not enough elven. Not even undead. NEXT!

Eternity is a damn long time to be spend it alone…
Care to give us a chance m’lady?

Who needs eternity? Give me a noodle bar, some plum wine, and one night with your company. We can discuss tomorrow tomorrow.

This thread still stinks of poo btw

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My dear, have an unfair advantage over that vampiric werewolf…
I’m actually alive
And love pandaren cuisines and drinks!

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Perhaps you should show me how warm a worgen can be…

Sorry, i don’t date furries… Next!

Sorry, have this thing… preference for the living
Nothing personal, but you are cold and dead
But lovely blue eyes you have

Never said i had a like for the living good sir, or should i call you traitor to our people, void heretic.

Yes, but while in your case its just a preference, in mine, feeling any attraction toward you is not just a preference, but severe case of a philia of the necro kind
So… no, sorry
Especially no date after you called me a traitor… whhile you parading around with filthy undead Scourge wanabees, who destroyed our home and people, Orcs, who invaded our planet and Trolls… TROLLS!!!
No beloved, the chances for our date are as dead as your ghoul :broken_heart:
[Now let others post, so skip me :wink: ]

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Well the other one has no taste, so no.

You… are very… blue. I feel like this is fixable in some way involving spicy noodles.

No… Just… No.

Only if you fix that transmog.

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