Date the poster above you<3 #2

I think the extended shade family tree’s branches are tangled enough without any cross-cousin-dating
Its hard to find out where that mangrove tree’s roots are already without complicating things… :eyes:

A fellow Ren’dorei? And a male on top of it? Name a place and time handsome.

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I pass
You seem to have allready found your match

…Your too fleshy anyway

Oh, hi mark

You know what they say… A little curse never kept the vulpera from a worthy treasure :fox_face:

Sorry, i don’t date goblins, or furry goblins for that matter.

You fixed the transmog! Nice.

Sadly you still look horrible in that crown for my taste, so… politely decline

Philistines need not apply. Shiny headwear is a girl’s best friend.

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I have LFR and Normal crown

Fixed that for you. :slight_smile:

Excuse me lady Sin’dorei, but you forgot this.
Gives a sunflower. :sunflower:

Withers Sunflower

Im sorry did i break your concentration?
Dont get so distracted by pritty faces, my freiend. its an illusion to the eyes.
There is more beuty in death.

Sorry, though you are dead. I vastly prefer my own kin over simple humans.

Speak of the devil

I’ll be so bold as to say NO!!

Tish, why so no when you can say yes?

You should say yes to everything at least once in a lifetime.

Glad to hear that!
We will have a ton of fun then!

I had enough of your kind during my time in Outland and on the Fel Hammer. Pass.