Date the poster above you<3 #2

'ey, big boy. Lemme cut out ya heart. :skull:

Murder isn’t usually part of what I’d consider a satisfactory encounter.

If i said i wanted to put my ‘‘Knife’’ in you by defnination.

Would you be intrested? :wink:

depends if you listen to Cannibal Corpse or not

Quite a few would. Better strike while the iron is hot!

No such luck. Besides, you would be outshining me with those goggles whenever we went out. Cannot have that.

-10/10 would not date.

I am terribly sorry my green tinted friend, but I do not believe I would even share a pint of ale with you.

I dont know why anyone would want to go on a drink with a wolfman.

Sure if your kept on a leesh and be given a bone im sure you’ll be nice

Guys, if you can’t date the poster above, maybe wait for someone who can.

So on that note, all three of you may date me, but my time is limited so it will be at the same time. There will be a process of elimination, involving mud wrestling, ping pong, trivial pursuit, and cooking a variety of noodle dishes. Only one of you will survive. We begin in one hour.

Darned for me, as I am terribly lousy at Ping Pong.

So am I! Something in common there, we should meet.

Let’s talk void.

You, me, dine and dash too?

Sure, in ten characters

No thanks, you probably invite me to dinner and make me pay for it.

If you can’t beat them, try harder. It’s a date.

Braaah! Brogg make good stew for dis trollingdon
 Good stew of dwarfling scum yummy

What a weird looking dwarf.

But any hole is a goal. :wink:

That haircut is atrocious.

Hey! Leave that mans’ mohawk alone you foul demon spawning temptress of carion!
Also how you doin’

A frail little feminine elf man and a strong edgy furry boy
that’s forbidden love, the best kind of love.