Date the poster above you<3 #2

You might be the person I‘ve been missing for so long… where we meeting at?


You will meat him soon revs up his meatwagon

Are you the one whos been stealing my meat?

Rolls in on meatwagon


A fancy ride won’t win me over, fella.

H’thon, thyzz Agth ma iiqaath zuq wgah puul uhn’agth yrr zuq wgah uulg’ma?!?!*

*Hi, wanna grab coffee and stuff?

I’ll grab the coffee if you’ll grab my stuff…

I don’t normally go for this but I can make an exception I guess…:eyes:

We can either go on a man date, like throwing hatchets, arm wrestling, drinking strong booze and starting bar fights like the true damn Orcs we are.

Or! We can have a romantic dinner for two in Silvermoon where it will end in that tabbard coming off and the massage oils going on :wink:

I mean…

Im all for drinking and tossing all night long like any warrior.

But keep all that message oil fer yeself

You, me, the Ring of Law. No Weapons, no Armor.

I love me the Ring of Law, lass. We could go watch a fight as our first date.

They say you dwarves of any type are long lived.

How would you like to live forever? The only drawback is you’ll be dead and be forced to go on a awkward date with me.

Well hello there.
Let us cut through the scourge hand in hand.
Not in the gay way though.

Yes, I’m for killing Scourge, against dating humans.


I am good orc… But i prefer orcs…

Honorable orcs

Hello meat!

what do you say we take this into a cold dark place with tingling chains and hooks? :slight_smile:

Sweet of you to offer, but since losing the Undercity it just wouldn’t be the same.

Would you look at this.

A void elf pretending to be a dark ranger, they truly are insane.

Look at this Elf… Filth… Cut those ears off and I might make an exception for you. The more Human you look, the better.

No thanks, I not be into weak, pathetic humans.