Ooh are Rets good now? That’s good timing I was just about to go Holy….
What is going on with outlaw? I haven’t faced many of them.
Why is there so much crying about ret xD With our one trick pop all cooldowns and hope somebody dies before we literally turn into a walking ward
As somebody stated earlier, ret is a hard noob killer atm, so if rets are giving you that much trouble, its probably more of a you problem.
Compared to some others like DH, fury warrior, sub rogue and demo lock all these ret posts are such a joke
You wanna nerf ret dmg? Sure we probably need it, but I hardly think we’re first in line to get “fixed”
put it with a uh dk to strip the other players mobility and ret becomes very very good
Agreed, but unholy also needs to be looked at drastically, if you pair unholy with a fury warrior or a dh, you get the same results, no?
That’s the point. Rets acting like they play solo or some Wpvp.
It’s not the same, cos teammate pins down kill target, ret stun healer , ret pops bubble + wings. GG.
So a warrior with spear would be better then a ret with uhdk…and then just throw stun at healer , dh is also better because they can reach a target faster to cross cc and even more cc then ret + they have a fear…
We got a stun and a blind that breaks on anything other then holy dmg , no ms so we always need to bring someone for that too , so if you want to nerf the burst dmg by a huge amount there needs something to compensate for it
Talk to any ret and they would rather have defensiv that reduces dmg taken and healing that actually does something
Only defensiv is the shield right now and i have always to run emblem to pair it with to get a shield that negates 200k dmg
Bubble is just bad - it gets dispelled in 1 sec
Bop is purgeable and dispellable.
Ret is fine dmg wise now and just respect the CDs , lika you would any other class
In current xpac, pally’s are about the only melee that still looks like a melee out there. The rest look like mages teleporting about the place.
I imagine the ret community woulda preferred a gap-closer than a dmg buff.
I agree, give a bit more def. Before reset, ret dmg was manageable, now it’s a bit over the top.
I did defend ret palas before reset, but now I just cant do it, its a bit too much of the dmg.
Assa rogues disappeared and ret palas appeared like mushrooms after rain.
I honestly think devs do not play pvp at all. I would buff def not dmg. Maybe not healing, but actual dmg reduction buff or smth, cos players cry when pala heals does good healing.
By caster book ret is what they always ask for - low mobility for melees. Now they also want burst to be taken away. It seems no metter how much melee suffer they wont stop untill its fury state who have one of the worst burst and dmg and can only charge and jump like clowns to entertain caster ovelords, still they ask mobility and healing once every 2 min taken aways from them lmao.
Id like to point out that current meta according to data from 2200+ is CASTER meta, which is rare during 1 seasons of xpac. Not because I think so, but because numbers say so unlike 1300 hard stuck casters, who can’t rating past fury warrior at 1300. On only busted DH and UDK can compete against them. You hear me? Busted melee is required to compete with casters at high rating where peopl know what they do.
And for the burst… above 1700 in soloq you are lucky if you have ONE sneaky wing kill, because like caster preach when one-shot someone in GCD “use you CD, line, learn my CD its your fault”. There are classes much more toxic than ret atm. And most of them are casters because they recieved barely any nerfs, SP stil S tier so are lock, ele and lizard people started do 180+130k crits against fully epics gear.
Maybe, maybe.
Im noob, I cant heal all this dmg and healing has become stressful AF, gaming aint for stress, but for fun.
Will have to dust off some dps class.
Ret is not op however we should NOT be a ranged class like we are now and these 230k radiant decree crits have to go away along with a redesign of our toolkit. A single SP can MD bubble, dispel bop so his rogue friend can keep on drooling on the helpless victim and can mind control while holy paladins bop us only to burst us later. Now holy paladin is a rare sight these days but that won’t stay forever.
What probably will stay is rets toolkit designed for expansions 10 years ago.
Can’t belive how a skill as toxic and useless as bubble is still in the game. Some classes can die while a ret yolo bubbles and some just click a button and remove a cd that has 5 min cd baseline
Ret should not have 30 yard range
it should just be judgement and Slow that is 30yards
you can hate me all you like but thats just fact… imagine giving a warrior rogue, feral etc a 30yard range to their biggest Burst
and to those that defend ret saying its squishy, try playing balance druid or frost dk or enhance shammy etc…( thats squishy )
the bigger screen shot also shows Dark Arch and Salt Water potion.
nice try
Probably a zerker buff for good measure aswell
Balance druid on r1 = 10 on solo Q
Retribution paladin on r1 = 66 on solo Q
Frost DK on r1 = 11 on solo Q
just some facts for you all
That’s literally from a Solo Shuffle game, which I also watched live, ya bot.
the people who complain about ret having massive burst are the same people who dont realize that if they just run from unholy dk when they pop all of their cooldowns they will live, like its funny to me that as a ret pala i can easily kite unholy dk despite being immobile as hell but then see actual druid mfs unironically complain lmao just run bruh, unholy used a 6 min biggest burst CD in the game and you just stand there and try to face tank all of it, that aint gonna work KEKW
like i aint gonna deffend ret burst, our burst is massive, but we also just fall over and die without a healer perma sitting us and cant touch any ranged spec in the game (if the ranged player has a functioning brain)
Rets are a range class … joking aside
the toolkit has more yards than a football pitch
infact DEV evokers have less range than a Ret
which class is the actual range class…