https ://clips.twitch.tv/BashfulOilyCourgetteBCWarrior-NmmGdI63gLbrDNXG
https ://clips.twitch.tv/BashfulOilyCourgetteBCWarrior-NmmGdI63gLbrDNXG
blizzard go off Representation on arena
Ret has +66 rank 1s
while several other classes are sub 10 rank 1
fact check me if you want to on the following link
ahaha they got a huge amount of time to react there , i can even watch the cd’s , they don’t use anything before he pushes into final reckoning into radiant decree and ontop of that they are stacked up , Radiant decree has 12 yard range , they play casters so just move abit more and you good bah!
Glad you mentioned ranks! lets see how many fury warriors are there? oof 20? And whats about ele who cant cast and kite melees because they are so mobile? over 100? Destro lock, they sure struggle in this melee meta? 77+… So my question is: when we rever ms nerf for fury?
you are correct
facts… 100% facts
i hope people before deciding to say NERF THIS CLASS etc actually look at the ladder and make a valid opinion / decision
Ikr, what on earth are those multiple R1, AWC competitors doing?!? They should be listening to the 1673 exp 2v2 Ret Paladin, Liazza! Ha, absolute noobs!
Honestly 1673 isnt bad for current arena state with only glads drilling each other at 1400 and above all in search for casual players who fled from meta/gold busting/smurfing/overgeared gatekeeper game mode. Love SS if only queues were faster.
Exp, not CR.
Yes because i need to be rank 1 or awc to see the obvious mistakes.
You can see it clear as day , get of your high horse.
I have never said i was higher exp then Rival but if even i can see it , there will be people way higher xp then me that will tell you the same.
mains dh then dh gets nerfed thinks rets is going to be op after buffs rerolls… people complain defends ret…
Just kill them faster. They die like dogs
Ps: use some defs and kite
How the hell ret looks like a melee with over half of his damage being ranged? He’s less of a melee than an unholy dk
Have been 2 shoted 2 times in a row today by lizard person 180+130 both times. Have full epic gear. But we better complain about wheelchair class who is literally stands at your face and screams by poping big shiny wings PRESS YOU CDS.
well i also popped big cds there and there was no defensive used aswell
there is truce between lizard people and palas. We must defend our classes.
This lizard person isnt guilty!
i just took the same argument as you did to show it off completly neutral xD
Just because a class can oneshot in a way it doesnt mean its automatically s tier.
Just because a class bad doesnt mean oneshots are good design.
Just seen a Ret hit for 116k and 200k with JUDGEMENT.
Judgement. Not even wake or final reconing or final verdict. Judgement.
Melee class hitting for 200k from 30 yards. Ok.
Hahah melees coming to cry about how they need to kite and lose damage.
Go zug zug yourself in the bathroom
because this class designe is trash