Day 1 after updates: ret paladins

Ret damage is disgusting

tbf dh damae is still pretty broken too 190k hunts are still not fine

Just have to look at arena ladders and see what is dominating. There is only 1 single paladin in top 100 in 3v3 and thats a holy paladin says it all tbh. People complaining about rets are locks and shadow priests and dh mainly funny that init.


Not that anybody with a functional brain is going to pretend that Ret damage is fine, but are we really calling it a pressing issue rn?

Even in Shadowlands season 1 they were surgically attached to Arms Warrior utility at all times just to survive for longer than 5 seconds, lmao.

Besides the abusive modifier stacking, Blinding Light is the core problem that either needs addressing or straight up removing akin to Shadowy Duel, but otherwise idk.

I don’t understand how people are still getting caught off guard by Ret in 2023. It’s been a freight train on horseback for years now and if someone running at you with Steed and Seraphim active isn’t already setting off alarm bells in your head yesterday then you might just need to turn GladiatorlosSA up tbh.


Maybe wait a lil bit ret buff just dropped they will catch up.

The ret community : “blizzard pls we have 0 mobility, make some changes”

Blizzard : “You don’t need mobility if you can one shot”

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Liazza’s the goat man what you on

Frost dks are so damn unreliable in pve and pvp at the moment
it sucks. Ive been playing frost oblit since legion cause I love it, but now Im changing to UH cause our dps WONT GO UP despite we require more effort than many classes to do good rotations. Its insane how much blizzard ignores frost dks.

Ret Pallys are insanely good duelists, btw. Insane burst dmg, op healing and cds, good mobility for short combats with double horse and freedom, low cd stun
and now they are also doing pretty good dmg on pve after the buff. Pretty glad ret pallys got some love at last.

Before buff rets were already hitting 210k decree’s its outrageous.

Why ret is killing everyone from range ???

Finally caster can taste their own medicine. How about you
 line them when you see wings up its a skill problem :sunglasses: Also Id like to see the proofs of the 200k and conditions.

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People have been posting screenshot after screenshot of the “200k” hit’s. Yes most of them are rounding up, but they’re all pretty damn close to 200k. And that’s just one ability, lets not ignore than fact most are doing over 300k in less than a second with judgement and reckoning back to back.

don’t let the party end

People dont know how to look at stats on Xunamate and see whats the actual dominators

or maybe ret only just got buffed so not many are there yet

It’s not even that buffed. It was doing almost the same burst damage. Only added 15% to the final reckoning which imo didnt change much. It’s still a wheelchair class with glass body. I only see low rated players complain about rets damage, and most of them sit entire HOJ with trinket available and cry why they didnt die. I can say from a ret pov if i see a DH coming at me i either gotta press shield of paper, or im down to 50% hp in 2 sec. it is what it is, its trading cooldowns.

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its not about playing with no partners solo means absolutely nothing rets burst is massively overtuned in pvp i have a ret of my own and have tested it myself

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