DAY 1: Daily thread until the bots in deadwind pass are banned

its only been a month with the same clucking bots farting around in deadwind pass and anywhere else in the game.


The other guy who did a similar “daily” thread literally gave up the same day and didn’t even make a second one for me to tease him in. Let’s see about you!
I predict you will give up on DAY 4.

False. The other guy made at least 50, but got reported and banned for spamming.

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Well I don’t go to Cataclysm Classic section, so I have no idea what gets spammed there. But you are right, the previouse “day one” thread on this forum section appears to be gone.
Still I stand by what I said, I’d happily eat my own words if I see DAY 5 by this guy.

I reported so many Bots 5 weeks ago and added them to my friendlist to see If blizz realy cares like they are saying. They happily leveled to 60 without Problem and are making money. By the time blizz is banning them, they already have 3 more 60s :rofl:. I already See the Green letter Guy saying : buT tHeY bAn in WaVEs…


The only way to get rid of bots is to not play the game/giving blizz money. They don’t care as long the people that are crying still paying.


Is that what matters to you here, how many days I endure? lol


Yeah, I find it amusing. Nobody from Blizzard reads EU forum, not even community managers. There is just one green guy who keeps repeating Blizzard can’t do anything about bots (he does it for free). There is literally just 20-50 regulars here who come talk to each other and sometime troll.
You are shouting your grievance into the void. Nobody will see it here, nobody of consequence will care. It’s a completely empty gesture and you treat it like some high-minded community action. It’s a joke, so I mock it.

The game is what it is, bot infested automatic banning mess to milk some last sub mo ey from nostalgia-tripping 40 year old gamer dads like myself. It won’t change, it won’t improve. Either you pay for it as it is or you don’t.

Edit: By the way, where is your DAY 2 thread? :clown_face:

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https:// fresh. warcraftlogs. com/character/eu/thunderstrike/nicolay

Yeah, those are my logs. If you could read logs, you would notice I’m playing Winter’s Chill support in a casual guild that takes 2 hours to clear MC and routinely loses world buffs on bad trash pulls. I’m also not using flasks because I spend all my gold on collecting every singe Tailoring and Enchanting recipe in game, because that’s what I like to do.

BTW this is how you link in the forum even if it doean’t let you:

P.S.: Day 2 of not posting DAY 2 thread :clown_face:

P.P.S.: Getting a 79 on Rag 2min+ kill while being WC, without wbuffs or flask is a testament to my skill more than anything.

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It was a TBC topic, with each new classic expansion the forum name gets updated to said expansion. Posts remain in the forum, however.

You were false nonetheless. He gave up after one day lol.

Hmm i agree with your first few sentences but mage=Skill in Vanilla pve with 1 Button ? That made me laugh :sweat_smile:

He is probably banned for complaining about Blizzards most loyal customers.


He wrote in this thread yesterday

Yeah, you are right, positioning away from others, eating a GFPP and blinking forward when thrown by fireball can hardly be considered a skill, and yet somehow it is more than 79% of other mages can do :man_shrugging:

Edit: Day 3 of not posting DAY 2 thread :clown_face:

Day 4 of not posting a DAY 2 thread. :clown_face:

I shall follow my own prediction and give up now. I hope you’ve been sufficiently clowned for now Kurtekurt.

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He maybe decided real life was better than what ever is going on in this cesspool of forums and left you to talk to yourself

You sound so much fun to be around btw

Come on dude look in the mirror, who’s the one acting like a clown here, you or the OP?

Are you actually the OP and off yer head? :confused:

I might start a bot daily thread to give you something to look forward to seeing everyday, the OP has left wow for a better life.

Kind of shows state of the game and community that someone posting real issues with game gets trolled and name called, damn lol

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Please do! I’d love some fun threads to troll while I sit on the “throne” in the mornings :wink: :+1:

You’re for some reason obsessed with the method of posting and not the issue itself. Who cares man, i’m clearly just trying to shed light on the issue at hand, that’s my goal with my thread, not posting it daily.

Also I clearly don’t have to post anymore threads, you’re doing a great job bumping this thread daily.

And if blizzard ain’t reading the EU forums and my thread is of no use, well damn I guess i’ll live with the 5 minutes I wasted trying to push up the bot issue.

Cheer up buddy, sun is shining

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Look, I get it. You want something done about the bots. We all do.
But the threads like this have been posted for years, in fact at this point literally decades. There were bots back in vanilla. Every mmo game has bots.
Except now there are no GMs. And reports are fully automated, so actually now bot owners ban people who hinder them, not the other waay around. Blizzard doesn’t care. At most that one green poster will come defend them saying ban waves every 6 months are good and that bots mass reports cant get you banned, only silenced, and that every appeal is checked by a human.
Nobody even comes to EU forum. Literally only couple of us lost souls and then people whose ticket gets the prewritten reply that basically says “look it up on wowhead and post about it on forum if it makes you feel better”.
So people come here and post like it’s an actual game forum someone reads and not just literally an empty “complaints” book you can write something into to make your fee fees better. It’s all a joke. Insulting, offensive joke. If we weren’t all sad 40 year old dads who got mindbroken by WoW in our formative years, we would never tolerate this from any other service provider.
And then you come in posting “HEY blizz do something about the bots” like it isn’t posted every other day for 10 years. They don’t care. You are a joke to them, a cow to be milked. And I’m so jaded by this whole situation I just lash out at you because at least you react. The green clown just reports me and I get another ban.
I literally hate what this game has become. I play a game I hate. What a joke.

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