DAY#4123123 THREAD#41234152354 Premade BGS

Why do premades get matched with randos still? You tried to seperate them in season of discovery and it did wonders, why are we not having this change implemented to retail as well?

There are a billion topics on this, seen several folks complain about the amount of topics there are even! But people will keep posting until it’s fixed. It’s so unbalanced and such a kill-joy. Specially for newer players who are already having a hard time learning the game due to the natural skill curve, and amount of skills there are.


There’s a downside that some SOD threads talk about: Increased queue times both for single and premades that can amount to more then 30m+ without a match.

Also for premades they may face differing premade stacks, for example if you’re a premade of 2, you can face multiple premades of 5 and so on. Which may impact organised gameplay experiences.

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Yes but:

If a random amount of time was added to all groups signing up for bgs, before they would enter the bg queue, then the average time for groups would increase. The average time for those signing up solo, however, would decrease.

To do the exact math you need the proportions of players signing up in group and solo, respectively. But a rough estimate is that the overall average waiting time would be approximately the same. By picking the random numbers cleverly, you could see to it that the average overall waiting time remains the same.

To put all groups in a “waiting room” would break the sync but groups would be preserved. Most of us have a problem with sync joining, not with groups.

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I gladly wait 30mins for a match if it means I’m not playing against cheaters that do a “random” bg 3156 times and win 3148 of them…
Whilst I do think premade vs premade is a valid solution, me personally think it’s also rewarding cheaters with their own game mode… No player should be walking around with 99% winrates in a random game mode. I’m just amazed this behaviour is allowed tbh. or do people think 3000+games of 1 bg at 99% winrate is healthy for a game?


Newer players don’t have to suffer because of premades. They start with Honor Level 1, below level 30 you have your own Battlegrounds. Honor Level 1-30 is a different bracket.

But yes the system in SoD is great, would love to see it in retail.


Are you sure?
I see < 30 in BGs all the time.


People below honor level 30 have they own bracket for normal/epic battlegrounds, skirmishes and even most brawls.
If you see someone below 30 with other people that have higher level he got invited.

Edit: Maybe if someone have multiple WoW accounts on the same account he “skip” this bracket on a new account?

SOMETIMES they still enter higher levle games, im not sure what triggers it

but it happens alot more in blitz lol

Ah ok, maybe the ones I’ve seen were grouped.

If that’s the case, & the system tries to match group vs group, wouldn’t they have a much higher chance of facing a more competent group?

Blitz is a different story, just like arena or solo shuffle. A system like that doesn’t exist there, when a new player with honor level 1 wants to try those out he will face you.

All Blizzard needs to do is single random BG queue for Horde and Alliance. Odds will fight on one side, evens on another, no matter if they are orcs or humans, are they in a group or not, using Discord and assistance macro or not.

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the real question is

“what about people that want to play together ?”

I had a newly starting friend I qued up with them to teach them to ropes, it doesnt work like that–when you que with someone I think needless to say, they were disheartened after fighting 4 premades.

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they can? if you are over 5 you fight against people over 5 if you are bellow 5 you can fight against people who are bellow 5. Noones saying oh cancel premades? xD

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I rather wait for some mins more then going against premades 4 times on a row x’D

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yeah but, even 5man have insane gaps, tho, 5man usually implies play to win, but there is 5man that literally will make the game so one sided nobody enjoys it, sync premade definetly need to be fixed, but even 5man have issues theymself, just think of when this was in 10man, blizz nerfed that because it was an issue, and i feel like after many years we have reached a point when the gap between elitè players and beginners is just so huge that nothing can really be done

u cannot remove 5man, but it feels like you shouldn’t keep them either thats what i meant above, there is simply no solution on that, unless you incentive people to play with pugs, or change content itself… like, a better bg with better rewards for better players but with IL requirements… doubt it would work tho

I think you have some spot on observations about 5-man groups. They shouldn’t entirely be removed but they also shouldn’t be in the form they are now.

The problem with premades, 5man groups and their CURRENT impact are a result of decades of being ignored by Blizzard. If they continously had adjusted battlegrounds and rules for 40 man and 5 man groups, we wouldn’t have had the all those problems that we have today.
It’s obvious that premades and also 5man groups in their current form are a problem to random and new players.

I think it’s more about a gap between players who know how to twist every little advantage out of the pvp bgs and their queues versus others who don’t and then ofc completely new players.

Wow pvp has to undergo a completely change - most bgs are old designs that are outdated - so it’s new to everyone and without all the design flaws that leave holes for cheating and in case of cheating there will be a strict banhammer. One thing we’ve seen in the last 6 months with all the premades in random bgs is how much damage players can do when left ignored.

The only ones who can adjust, set rules and borders and minimize the cheating is Blizzard but they left the pvp boat a long time ago.

Big changes would work wonders though.

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Rated BGs?

rated bgs don’t give enough of an incentive to go thought lfg/lfm

they are basically cap vault for 90% of the community queues are endless

rbg solo definetly gonna be better tho.

Blizzard’s negligence for decades is baffling. They don’t do a minimum of battleground maintenance. Like breaking the sync, super easy for any programmer. Or buffing NPCs/vehicles as players get buffed each new season. It would not take many working hours to do a bare minimum, but no.

I think they still want to steer players to m+. I know many (horde) players that have quit because of (horde) sync premades. I don’t know anyone that has given up pvp to start pve, they play other games.

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