Dead servers MEGATHREAD - Ghostlands/Dragonblights plea to Blizzard

I feel all the requests for server connections are valid topics. I was just wondering as some people, were saying this topic were hidden? It still comes up for me though.

Bigger embarrassment in a way, as Blizz has done successful server connections this year, but stopped out of no where? We definitely need more.
Many people have made a good point, that when servers are this imbalanced, more and more people will move from the low ones to the already full ones. Making the problem bigger, not only for low servers but for everyone.

Just do something once and for all Blizz. plz.


Good catch, letā€™s hope I was wrong!

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well either way, we will keep on top of things. :slight_smile:

Still nothing :unamused:

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Player numbers seemed to have settled down, maybe they could consider looking into starting this programme up again.


You can add Shadowsong/Aszune to that list as well, even now you can literally go days and see no chat.


Any word about further connections would be nice!


dont think so. has anyone else heard anything? how are servers feeling?

blizz still wont fix our guild not being able to use the guild finder function to recruit new players, so even though we got mixed with some other servers, no one can join us unless they come up to one of us and ask manually! this, even after it was brought to their attention months ago :frowning:

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Any kind of update from Blizz would be nice, as nothing has changed hereā€¦


You can add Laughing Skull and its merged servers into this list.

https ://

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Lightbringer/Mazrigos still desperately hoping too.

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Look at that: New Realm Connections are Underway - #992 by Punyelf-draenor

They closed the threadā€¦ man I swear if they put as much effort into their communication with HQ as they do with ignoring us/closing threads weā€™d actually have a stellar game.

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Two threads were bumped about the same thing. I think it was sensible to leave this one up out of the two. The realm connections they did are no longer going on.

I think itā€™s worth requesting more connections. Specially if people are feeling they would still benefit.

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So it looks like the people are really leaving. Shadowlands was the proverbial straw.

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Probably another of those things just like the character customization that will be left half-done for far too long pushing more people to leave in the first place.


Oh, I know I am a bit unfair with that (and know why theyā€™d rather close it). It just annoyes me that they close it with the usual practice of zero communication on the issue.

Bit like how Kaivax just unstickied the connection thread like a thief in the night.
I honestly donā€™t think we can be harsh enough (especially without breaking the forum rules) how they manage the servers and how they handle communication after all these years.


They are also going through staff restructuring and upheaval due to the lay offs/office closures etc. Not sure they have anyone to dedicate to it atm. Iā€™m not making excuses for them, I think they should have merged more realms and theyā€™ve half delivered on it.

It takes years to get them to do these merges and then they kind of stopped abruptly. Last time we had a schedule, this time we were just wait and see and suddenly there was no more.


Why would Blizzard merge servers when they can get you to pay to move your characters to a different server?? This is why they will not merge servers, it would kill off an easy way for them to make money. if they really cared about you moving your characters to busy servers, they would let you do it for free. instead you have to pay for the privilege.


I would guess there are good reasons why they havenā€™t done any more - maybe because one of the US ones went wrong or because they canā€™t do it from home or any one of a myriad of reasons. But good reasons are useless if theyā€™re not passed on to the people waiting for a busier realm. Communication is so lacking for this. Just to stop doing it and then closing the thread with no comment isnā€™t fair on all those waiting.


Still nothing eyā€¦ and it feels worse lately because people are quitting left and right, done waiting for 9.1.

My shards are mostly filled by players from the two Italian servers. So much for picking an English server.

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