Dead servers MEGATHREAD - Ghostlands/Dragonblights plea to Blizzard

I would like to at least praise Blizzard that they did a very good job in early WoD and recently when doing a handful of connections - however the job is far from done, and more must be connected, to stop even more players from leaving low pop and moving to already filled servers.

I had to pay nearly 100k today just to buy a base item for my legendary; pretty much tripple the price compared to other servers, with more accessibility when it comes to it.

When High-pop servers can farm on sharded servers anyway, Low-pop has NO chance.

More merges now!!
The tech exist, the staff exist. Blizz has done it before. Do it again, and make Shadowlands the definitive best-expansion ever, as the population/server/lag issues are pretty much the only issue I got with Shadowlands.

The gameplay is absolutely fantastic, and on that part the dev team has really really stepped up!



Every realm forum for lowpop servers look like that. But it’s also horrible in-game, but what shows the true numbers are sites like Wow Progress tracking raiders and guilds. I’ve seen the number of players/guilds go down by nealry 50% every expansion since WoD.

It goes extremely fast, while on the high/full servers, it keeps going up. Despite a server is “full” people still move there, and then come to moan about “Our server is broken”

Well. It is, and Blizzard should do something about it, before more people choose to leave, as moving characters a 2nd or 3rd time, because of the same server problems, is just one time too many.


As a player on a “Full” server, Lags making impossible to kill a mob and frequents crashs are kinda not something i’d wish for anyone. So if a solution is found for you, i hope it’ll solve mine. There’s no fun playing on populated server on this expansion right now


Probably never level’d a character on full server as a affliction warlock, i just tag everything and it dies in seconds questing at a rate much faster then usual very fun experience.

Basically the majority of servers are crap. Either too low populated, or too high. There are barely any medium servers left, and even some of them struggle because of the sharding.

I’m not sure who’s the server provider in the EU: But Blizzard need to change their provider and do more server connections imo.


I think the problem is there’s no distinction between “just barely full” and “no seriously, twice as many players as it can handle”.

Maybe they should just be listed with an average server latency value… people wouldn’t want to join if it said 500ms was normal.


Or close it. Stop anyone from being able to make more characters. Stop people from rolling characters there or moving to it.

You have to set limits. Blizzard can’t just say it’s “full” and everyone can still flood in. They need a hard limit of “you-cannot-go-here” of players.

Otherwise we’ll keep seeing players streaming from all low/medium servers to the same top-5.


Daggerspine and the other servers in this server group is so dead that the boost spammers don’t even bother to come here… that’s how few people there are here.

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I mean, that does give you problems when 1 player wants to join their friends on a full server.

What I’d suggest is you can only transfer there if you already have a level capped character.

Someone who really cares will take a few days out to level one; someone who doesn’t have a decent draw to that server probably won’t. It’d certainly drop the numbers a lot.

But it’s the same, if not worse problem. If a guild decides to move from a low-pop server, but people in a guild can’t afford it? They can’t play with their friends either, and many Mythic guilds feel forced to take the move to high/full servers in order to have the capacity of players to keep a 20man roster.

If everyone, their friends and their mums all can be on the same server, they will be. When there is no limit on it, people will keep going there.

It’s too bad if someone wants to go there to play with friends, but can’t get in as they don’t have a character there. But why would a full/high server require more players going there?

It’s much much much worse on low-populated servers, and on there, more and more friends get abandoned as they can’t afford moving a handful of a characters, a 2nd time or even more.

I had to move 9 chars myself from a dead server, to my current. But the flow of people is uncontrolled by Blizzard, so you don’t know if you move to another server if it will die out in 2 expansions, just like my own did.

there’s no point in having the label “full” if it’s not full. That’s like putting more people onto a bus, where there are obviously no room left, but they keep putting more people inside.

Blizzard shouldn’t have stopped with the server connections during fall. What’s worse. After they’d done the server connections… They did a discount on server-transfers…

And what happened? Everyone went to Draenor, Stormscale and Outland.

Then they did Free Server Transfers. What happened?
Everyone went from High/Full realms to other High/Full realms.

The ONLY thing Blizzard has to do, is managing the low populated servers. If they’re managed, players won’t feel pressured in going to all the top-5 realms, as people are at the moment.


Both of these threads have been unlisted by Blizzard:


New Realm Connections are Underway

🌍 The point of no return. We need more Server Connections! - #15 by Ysra-moonglade

Why are subscribing players being censored for making perfectly civil and articulate threads asking for things that should’ve happened years ago?

Better yet, why has blizzard unlisted its own thread on the matter instead of updating us on what’s going on with realm connections? If you’re not planning to do any more of them in the near future, at least be honest about this so that we can decide whether to tran$fer off of our (your) dead servers or not.

Whenever there is no money to be made or PR to be performed, your message to players is one of indifference and disdain.


wait, what? :o this thread is hidden?

edit. nwm. it was a hidden link.

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It was, at one point. The other threads I linked had been unlisted all day and on my activity profile were prefixed with a little eye that said “This topic is unlisted; it will not be displayed in topic lists and can only be accessed via a direct link”. But they seem to keep switching it on and off for some reason, starting after I made a post about it, funnily enough.

Bluepost on this phenomenon:


What unlisted mean in forum? - #3 by Nenyasqi-2416

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how does this thread really fall into any of this? ok, there may be a bit of bumping going on, but thats only cause there are only 30 days before the thread would be locked, and so much spam is in general. the topic is relevant, and always has been.

so, someone who monitors the forums is deeming this thread as inappropriate? really? REALLY?

we are about to hit 700 comments, have 20K views, and have been trying to raise this issue for over 18 months with cold hard numbers! but still no communication to us, especially now that it is obvious that the server mergers havent been as successful as planned and you are now scrapping it all. and now you are trying to hide this thread from the playerbase?

just make a region wide AH, and region wide guilds, and problem will most likely be sorted then.


Isn’t it sad? They care more about their forum than the management of their servers.

And even then, where did they find these moderators if they think this thread is inappropriate. Just out of high-school with the thinnest skin ever? Or did they finally get rid of the last Europeans and we got a bunch of Californians watching over us now? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (Yes, being cheeky here).

Edit: On a bit more serious note… isn’t it just another bug on the forums? Just checked my forum profile and it seems all the top-rated topics have the unlisted icon.


Nice connections. Have a look at this :joy:

BASK in the amount of the low pop realms. Blizzard certainly did a good job, ey? :ok_hand: :100:


There is always this more recent topic. That’s related to various servers. Not just Ghostlands? Don’t know if it’s worth picking up the discussion there?

That’s weird. Chamber of Aspects doesn’t feel like a low pop server. It feels more like a medium pop server.

its only 18 posts long though? and is not 2 weeks old. the thing with this thread is that it has weight behind it. it is one of the bigger threads on the forum, about ANYTHING. and, especially at the start there are some hardcore numbers thrown around instead of “i feel this so it must be true.”

im not saying that there are not other servers worse than what Ghostlands was even before recent merges. im just saying that we were in a bad place. maybe still are. but i’ve always said this is not just about Ghostlands/Dragonblight. i obviously went with the data i had best, and that was the numbers on my server.

i can always change the name if it keeps people here. it also is an embarrassment for blizz the longer this thread stays open, as it points out a massive flaw effecting players which they dont seem to care about to address correctly. if they did, why did they stop merging servers? as it shows there are still a lot of low pop servers: