Dead servers MEGATHREAD - Ghostlands/Dragonblights plea to Blizzard

Yeah, alot of people left, waiting for 9.1

Its normal to not be able to find people in LFG to do a dungeon late at night, not even after 1 hour in queue.

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Solution is simple, but not gonna happen. And Blizz seems content to not do a thing.

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Adding Alonsus/Kul Tiras/Anachronos to the list. We are sharded and we are still done. We have 5728 active alliance characters and 1728 active horde characters across all 3 servers.


Ysera / Malorne (EU) is also dead … Connected ~1200 (334 Horde) Players … strongly decending.
Kinda Sucks to see the own server dying more and more …

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Nothing is going to happen anytime soon, they stopped with server merges a really really long time ago and have never talked about it again, they’re probably racking that money from server transfers since people have given up

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I think it did come up at BlizzConline, it was in a clip that Shiro linked about something completely different. I have no idea where in this whole session it came up.

Server Connections in Modern WoW

  • The team paused the process when Shadowlands launched because the expansion had a huge effect on server populations.
  • The team will continue to use server connections once server populations become a notable issue.

There seems to be a mass exodus to high population realms. Are there more plans for connected realms?

  • They have a tool that looks at every realm, allowing them to look at popularity and faction balance for data.
  • Launching Shadowlands was the top priority.
  • Shadowlands had huge effects on populations, so they wanted to wait until after launch before making anything desires.
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this is so sad , people from dead servers are just forced to pay gold or money or just quit the game. You are lucky if u have only 1-2 servers on a dead server cause people that have alot of players there will just straight up quit or just create a new character to another server and play there instead and leave everything behind . @BLIZZARD DO SOMETHING ?
you are just loosing subscribers this way?


Especially the part where they ask quite a bit of money for an automated process is infuriating. Server management is their responsibility and they have been lacking for years on that part while making money on the ones being affected.


Today I logged in my realm, Khadgar, after like a month, only to find what was a living guild dead and the realm other than that seems to be in quite a miserable situation (even more than it was before).


Lightbringer is still dead too…


I recently made a Dark Iron Dwarf character to level and I didn’t see a single player in Redridge Mountains, Duskwood or Stranglethorn whilst levelling there, which, just a few months ago was teeming with players also levelling. And this was on Silvermoon-EU, one of the biggest alliance servers in the game. Not sure if it’s population decline, or Chromie-time is killing player activity in older zones.

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I contacted Blizz about this last week just asking if anything was in the pipeline. A GM responded saying nothing has been announced or is current knowledge but has been passed onto the feedback team.

So that’s just been thrown out the window basically. Why would they merge realms when players are still paying the stupid amount of money for an automated process (realm transfer).

I’m on Stormrage-Azuremyst.

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Its time to start connecting more servers or merge them. I’m on a dead realm to but I refuse to pay money to transfer. This game already costs too much as it is without being milked for a situation that could be resolved by Bluzzard.

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still waving from an equally dead Aggramar :stuck_out_tongue:

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Waves back

Don’t you love it that most of our shards get filled by the two Italian servers instead of the gazillion English ones?

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Yep, it’s lovely :roll_eyes:


What saddens me the most about the realm population issue is that I can’t trust any realm to stay healthy. I’ve been on so many, and they all died. Some of them came back to life briefly, only to die again. I’ve tolerated dead realms for a few years, caved in and swapped, only to see the realm suddenly become populated because some random World 14th guild decided to move there and all their 5000 wannabes came with. :woman_facepalming:

Could I just play on Ravencrest or Silvermoon to have an actual chance of meeting other Alliance raiders like me? Sure. Could those realms completely die in one week just because a couple of guilds decided to swap and caused a domino effect? 100%. I can’t with any peace of mind swap realms when I know any realm could just suddenly become as barren as Hellscream. Hell, I’ve been on a few realms that suddenly died just because guild dramas at the top end made the server feel claustrophobic and volatile. You couldn’t escape the troublemakers because they’d find a way to join every guild one by one.

One day I could be swapping my Horde mains’ realms to another one, next day I hear people on that staunchly Horde-based server have begun to want to faction change and now it’s an Alliance realm. ._. Except that I just came from a dead realm… at that point, why bother anymore? Might as well just pick Argent Dawn, learn to tolerate the creeps by installing all the chat addons I can find and call it a day.


To be fair after spending 18months on AD you do not need chat addons and it is a very good server just avoid Goldshire everywere else is great and price’s are good apart from mogs well expensive but …

It is a RP server with RP rules which must be followed ,trade can get a little spicey late night but the creeps you are worried about i have never experinced it .

People flock to AD with no concept of RP which i find wrong it is not a PVE or PVP server it has aspects of them both but it is foremost an RP server .


This might be a bit tinfoil hat-ish, but in the end, this is what happened to me and my guild:

We were talking about realmtransfering due to our realm rapidly dying out.

The “Hey guys, we’re going to connect ALL the low pop realms within the next few months” announcement gave us hope.

We waited and waited.

Now we’re going to transfer our entire guilds raidroster within the next month.

The final nail in the coffin? Legendary prices. It’d be cheaper for me to transfer to a high pop realm, buy 4 legendary tokens rank 4 and transfer back than buying them on my current realm.

To me it seems like they did the bare minimum after months, if not years, of complaints, but gave even more incentive to pay them money for transfers afterwards.

In the end, why fix a problem that only earns you money? People have said this in this very thread months ago and in the end, at least to me, it seems like that’s exactly what it boiled down to.


From the sound of the answers at BlizzConline it’s not something that’s going to start up again any time soon.

There seems to be a mass exodus to high population realms. Are there more plans for connected realms?

  • They have a tool that looks at every realm, allowing them to look at popularity and faction balance for data.
  • Launching Shadowlands was the top priority.
  • Shadowlands had huge effects on populations, so they wanted to wait until after launch before making anything desires.
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