Dead servers

I’m on Firemaw, I got back like 1 week ago. I have several chars around lvl 10-30, but all zones are dead, after 3 long nights in barrens, I have been on only 1 team. So before I give up, I want to ask. Is there a active server somewhere, where you can play and team up on, or is all dead?


All servers are experiencing inactivity atm due to players taking a break until AQ. If you are only playing a low level there in nothing wrong with going to check a few other servers if you ain’t happy with the one you are on.

Leveling first characters is around 10 months old, it won’t get better as time goes on. Most people who level now are the ones who already have one or more level 60s so they just take boosts.

Yes, I have seen a few asking for boosts, but don’t have the gold for that. Yes, that was the reason I asked if anyone else did know a more active server. But thanks for a quick reply :slight_smile:

Firemaw and a bunch of other servers only got unlocked a few days ago. Before that you couldn’t make new characters so every low level was just an alt of someone and they preferred getting boosted.

Yes, I read that somewhere, that complicate things a bit. Sure I could grind my way to 60, but with little to no dungeon-gear it would be “painfull”.

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Also nobody new was allowed to start playing on Firemaw till like yesterday because server was locked


Most that wanted to play Classic already plays so there is very little leveling toons, mostly alts. I’m on Nethergarde Keep and even though there is some traffic in leveling zones - most people still organize boosts for their alts. All the activity is at 60 which for the most part is raid logging, getting War Effort resources and alike.

Zandalar Tribe is a great server.


Sadly you’ll experience this on all server. Yes, Firemaw has been locked for a few months but the game is now at it’s point in it’s life cycle that it’s not really attracting new players at the rate it was in the first few months of release. The majority playing now are people who have been playing for months and already have a main and alt at max level so they prefer to get boosted on any additional alts.

If you can’t afford boosts then the upside is that since most low level zones are empty you’ll have no competition on mobs so leveling should be faster for you. The best you can do is try find a guild and see if any of the members will give you a hand on some quests or dungeon runs some people do it out of boredom or kindness. You could also try advertise on these forums to find someone to level with you if you have compatible play times.

me and my 2 brothers plus 1 of there friends just startet on Firemaw ally aswell… i see some few who lvl also, but i saw more asking for boosts in Stockade, and asked why, and people are very friendly, and said most people alrdy have gold enough, so they buying boosts to lvl instead of doing it themself… pretty sad tbh, but hey what can u do… we are lvling 4 man, 2x hunters, drood and rog. so we would be able to do instances ourself. :slight_smile:

i think they dont wait for aq

i think they just reroll cause nobody want to play on a layered realm

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