Dead servers

I would say from about 3 pm GMT to 10 pm!

right… I’l make a mage and level there. I play horde.

You will see a lot of horde especially as it’s a horde favoured server but the alliance numbers will rise again soon this is the server to be on!

i will be leveling as undead mage because its my favorite race to level as.

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Exactly not rocket science.

maybe I could challenge myself to log into wow between 3pm - 10pm for a week to see how it goes.

Exactly, I also play on gandling. I am now planning to move, which will cost 25 euros, I find it outrageous that I have to pay additional amounts on top of the monthly fee just to play.
If my friends did not want to stay I would cancel the game immediately.


On what else stupid time you play in EU otherwise?
Since you said pm and not 15:00-22:00 are you for some reason KKona murican playing on EU?

I leveled a blood elf rogue because I like it. but I finished sunstrider isle then take a dinner break. I need food to energise me.

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Its why humans losing to bots.

yea Dreadmist is empty, in one month from 25k items on the ah, to under 6k. Even shatt is empty doing primetime. Well, atm we are still leveling and enjoying doing so. After this? Not sure, i guess Merge will not happend, Assdivision will not do anything. So i guess, New World will do great in 2-3 Weeks.

Stop blaming Activision all these lack of changes needed are made by wow team.
At least directly your rage/hate on right target.

The problems with the servers is the lack of tanks, tanking is not fun in TBC, one of my alts is a tank warrior and with the DPS going gun hoe and its almost impossible to hold more than 2 targets.
My main is a healing priest, it’s the 3rd day running now where I’ve not collected a single badge because we can never find any tanks.
its has a knock on effect, no tanks=no dungeon runs, players will get bored waiting and log off, this is when servers start to die.
It’s a dam shame because TBC is by far the best expansion with Wrath coming a close 2nd, we sure don’t want the game to die.

With Retail being complete trash a lot of players turned to Classic and TBC.
lets hope it turns around.

deadfang gang

bots need electricity too.


I wrote them in-game about this issue and here is their response.

Thanks for contacting us, my name is Game Master Terezzezza and I have reviewed your ticket regarding character transfer and population on Dreadmist realm!

I can understand your concerns regarding low population as I’m also playing The Burning Crusade Classic and I can imagine how population can impact on the gameplay and in game economy.

Generally our Developers are monitoring population on every single realm and every time population reach critical level they are using tools to help balance the situation so in the case of high population realms they often open free migration to help players move from overpopulated realm to new / lower population one and in the case of lower population realm they open free transfers to let players move into that lower population realm and rise the population.

In the case of lower population realms Developers would never open free migration from these realms as it would cause population to even drop more under the critical level.

Free migration is the tool applied by developers and Game Masters have no influence into these transfers and are not able to manually offer it.

So I’m afraid In your situation we will be not able to offer any free transfer and if you would like to leave current realm you will have to purchase separate paid character transfer service.

I wrote again and here is the answer

I am Game Master Nilqarym and I hope you are doing well.

I want to apologize for any inconvenience that this all may have caused and how much time has passed in hearing back us. Currently we are trying our best to get to all our players and assist them in the most efficient way.

I truly understand how frustrating this all may be but sadly, there is other queue to escalate this issue to. I am very sorry to say that customer service is unable to provide any free character transfers.

From here if you would like to leave some feedback then I would highly advise to head to our forum pages and let your voice be heard. Although you won’t receive a direct response, our team will see everything provided.


But its only solution, developers are idiots?

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Even that is a bad solution, hard to do properly, and i guess tzeir ideology wants to keep all servers alive, instead of killing the dead ones and combining them to “healthy” ones

The solution is never to move people to dead realms.

So its better keep dead server happy and kill fun for players of dead servers .

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