Dead servers

Merge. It’s not even that hard for a big company.

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35 active people not critical level enough.

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Because of classic Andys and their #nochange

but there was no nochanges at classic.

Classic Andys was strictly against connected realms.

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And it happened anyway so why not in TBCC, you have made no argument against it, just saying something troll-like does not count.

I want it to happen also, I just say a big reason for Blizzard not fixing things might be this very reason. They also lose a lot of money from people who would otherwise not pay for transfer.

Well yeah, nochanges was a brilliant rule, sadly ruined by players once again

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What change made the game worse though? I think most changes that we have had so far made sense…

Here to laugh at people who wanted TBC and then proceed complain about TBC lol.
You guys are hilarious.

It is like you tell someone to not hit head on wall it will hurt them and casue injuries yet they still proceed and then BabyRage when they got hurt.

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Mily hrac, what have heads on wall common with broken servers?

Yeah i also play on a dying server, Stonespine. Been playing since start of classic and got 7 +60 characters. For me it’s all characters or none, and not going to pay for a single transfer. We need either a merge or get free migrate or I’m going to be done. 9 days left on playtime. Sadly I’m not expecting this to be solved by then (if ever) so i guess this will be the end of my time in WoW. Just happy i finally got to take down Naxxramas Kel’Thuzad

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Some merging is in order before its too late. Really is hard to find arena mates i know few people left server/game cause it already.

Not Dear Blizzard, and this is why there is no need to save dead servers, but save alive players on these servers.
Give them free transfers or char list paid transfers (for price of one transfer ofc you kotick weirdos)

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Cross realms when???

No /10char

Seriously, we’re transferring the guild from Gandling to Gehennas at the end of this month - some of our players have 4+ accounts and a ridiculous amount of chars.

Even if only 50chars transferred, that’s £950 of our British quids™ going straight into Blizz’ pocket JUST BECAUSE WE WANT TO CONTINUE TO PLAY THIS BLOODY GAME ON A NON-DEAD SERVER.

It’s kinda disgusting. The logical part of me should just quit the game out of protest - but I won’t, I’m GM, I feel a responsibility to the rest of the guild, I’m tied in to keeping this thing going for as long as I possibly can. Blizzard knows all this, they know they can push us to the limit and still get away with it.


I resubbed to enjoy TBC for the winter time and see there is only 7 ppl online on Gandling. Now I feel kinda robbed coz I don’t have anyobody to play with and I dont have time to level 60 again… I want a free transfer or my money back :confused: They should warn returning players! Such a disgrace.


Huh ? What the hell are you talking about ?

Berny sad about dead servers.

Classic wow almost all servers healthy and stable.

But tbc arrived and many servers dead.

Tbc killed beloved servers. Whyyy

Alliance side on Dreadmist has about 20-25 players left. Auction House down to 70 items. Opening a ticket solves nothing since they ask me to post on the forums and said “I’m sorry to say that not every post will get a Blue-post response, but your feedback is considered!” What is the critical level ?? Haven’t seen someone in Halaa in weeks and this is a PVP server, not enough AH action to earn in game gold, not enough player to do 25 mans so NO progress… these are the game promises and not kept. What I’m trying to say is that I am an unsatisfied customer and want a solution. Yesterday I counted 9 low population English PVP servers, which is saying that not only my server but also others are in the same condition. Saying just pay for a transfer is a cheap way to avoid the problem.