Dear Aggrend - what we, warriors did to you?

Long Story short:

  • warrior tank in p5 - worst dmg, worst threat, can’t compete with rogues / locks / paladins, zero chances, wouldn’t ever take to raid

  • warrior dps - 2nd best warrior in the world just finished patchwerk tests with his guild, they tested every possiblity, nope, dead class

just doesn’t work at all, all the stance dances, rage refunds, mixing t1/t2 sets, fury dual wield, fury 2h build, nobody can make it work, this class just doesn’t have the toolkit other classes were given, stupid rotation, like playing a piano, tons of weakauras to track everything and literally SPAMMING that HEROIC STRIKE button till our fingers fall off.
reroll rogue, delete your warrior, if best of the best can’t make it work, there is no hope for this class


Not sure everyone has the time or inclination to reroll especially at this stage.

I see a fair few warriors running around think some will quit all together?

Might be enough to finally push them away to other games.

I see melee shaman and melee hunter and backstab rogue they are all below the warriors.

Maybe the problem is not undertuned warri dps, the problem is these MFs who deal 4k dps need to be tuned down?

I do play warrior tank in SoD.

P4 has being a bit of pain meanwhile I didn’t have some “nice” gear.
Now easily can tank any dungeon/raid without threat “unusual” issues, I mean, the problem of mindless damage dealers that want to parse at top and break the details meters is still there … but I cannot change zombie minds.

P5 will be, at first, as it seems another iteration of lack of gear issue.
Meanwhile Rogues/Warlocks/Paladins will be able to generate larger amount of plain TPS from scratch, Warrios do will need to first gear up in order to meet them.

Yeah just lvled up myself and dont even have full dungeon set yet, but thats completely besides the point to a dps monkey who has raid gear and wants to go pew pew pew

Some DPS just dont care about anything apart from looking at that meter, literal :poop: for brains some of them, your “zombie minds” is too polite sorry

Had a group a couple days ago where the 3 dps at every single pull would pick a separate target and go full nuke

I honestly can’t understand what must be going through their heads, tumble weed?

Warrior currently sims second/Third highest of all classes pending duration.
Seeing warrior tanks in top 50 dps of all tanks with higher threat modifier than a lot of them.

Maybe the issue is you?

why are melee player always whiny drama queen ? casters except mage are trash tier dps wise every phase and warrior are still crying … so pathetic :joy:

yeap, 2nd best player in the world has skill problems, go back to your h2 mate and stay there

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looks like that warrior scaling finally kicked in, despite all the doomer warrior players dooming about it, saying it wasn’t ever going to happen while demanding (not asking - demanding) buffs.

:skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:

I don’t get the complaints?

What is it, if you’re not top DPS than you’re actually bottom? Does the middle of the pack mean nothing?

enh/ele and arms/fury wars are actually dead, not middle of the pack


I’m going to loot ban every single guild members that does less DPS than me, then. Sucks to be most of the people that I play with.

Wow that was a pathetic retort, must be rough not being the uncontested #1 since it makes you warriors QQ so much.

In the sims released not long ago only druid paladin and rogue was ahead of warrior and rogue and druid wasnt far ahead, paladins are meme’d next patch and needs seal twisting removed or they will be broken. I’d include a link but wow forums doesn’t let me.

So they are not dead in the slightest the guy is just a massive QQ’er.

you just dented, sims were double dipping on deep wounds, real raid scenario above in screenshot, go back to being mediocre in h2

There are publicly available logs which everyone can view postnerf to the t1 set that does more dps than the ones you linked in the screenshot. Keep dooming my boy it doesn’t make you anything but a QQ’er though.

OT for the explanation

Paste your link, highlight the whole link, in the top of the reply box there’s a few buttons, use the one that flags “Preformatted txt” with this symbol: </>

OT out again

Warrior have a high skill cap, at least in Mc I am the highest DPS in my raid team on certain bosses.

But for example, on heat 3 the first boss in MC has stupid high armour, even with our rogue using sunder poison with improve sunder armour, I was getting like 1.3k DPS.

And before anyone says that’s a skill issue. That was a 96 (98 for my Ilvl) orange pass.

Our Rogue on the other hand, another physical melee DPS pumps like 2.5k dps on that boss thanks to bleeds and poison damage not being effected by armour.

Random bosses, including Raggy, on Heat 3 are kinda Physical Damage Proof. I;m not one of the best warrior players by far, I can pass high on specific bosses, but any warrior player can tell which bosses have high armour when we are Bloodthirst critting for 800 damage in full world buffs.

This is why 2H bleed builds where BiS in Gnomer and our damage still kinda sucked.

I really don’t see this as an issue with the warrior class, the armour values on some bosses are just way to high for a all physical dps class to do much.

learn to play your class and you’ll be in the top 3 like every war raiding thoses days :joy:

Man, do you ever realised that sims made for perfect situation?

Like for warriors simulations do perfectly balanced stance changes on a 0.1 second of warrior t6 buff, which is impossible for any real person.
And the screenshot OP posted is from real “simulation” with 6 kills of Testwerk, not from a sim.

I actually dont care if warrior will be in the bottom of dps, just don’t talk nonsense without knowing what you’re talking about. Stance dancing is boring AF, my priest t6 gives raw 25% crit chance to CoH, while warrior should lose rage every 9 seconds and dance like a clown.