Dear Fellow Horde

I really enjoy reading all these Horde crying posts about warmode “balance”.
When first warfront was released and didn’t have any ilvl lock so Horde farmed 340ilvl on all alts for whole week: It was fine, because Horde did it… not Ally - just imagine ****storm if the roles were reversed.

But when Alliance gets some good stuff once in a while you whiney bois come here to shed some tears and talk about unfair things.

Turn it off and never come back. There’s huge faction imbalance and 25-30% bonus will stay as long as there is way more players on the Horde side - deal with it or unsub.

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I really enjoy reading all the Alliance attempts to turn the argument towards a topic that is completely irrelevant to the subject at hand.

Warfronts. Are. Not. War Mode. Can you grasp that at all?

Both sides have access to Warfronts. Yes, Horde had it first, but Alliance still had fair access to it during their cycle.

With the way War Mode now works, Horde will not get the 30% buff or gear at all. There is no cycle.

You come in here spitting the same tiresome “oh, Horde tears” counter-argument as every other player who wants to heckle but doesn’t really want to contribute. Can I remind you that it was the Alliance that were the “whiney bois” during the original version of War Mode.

It was the Alliance crying about War Mode, and they were crying over nothing. There was no problem with War Mode, the Alliance just refused to play it without a bigger bribe. Seems crying works a lot for the Alliance, despite the “Horde Bias”.

Look at War Mode now - Tons of Alliance Players. Blizzard didn’t suddenly create more Alliance Players, they were there all along. They just couldn’t be arsed to play.

Faction Imbalance is an utterly lame excuse for what is now Incentive Imbalance. Shards divide the populations up so that the Horde majority has barely any effect. Horde LFG will be countered by Alliance LFG because of the constraints to Shard capacity.

The current War Mode Bonus system should give incentive to both sides, that would give both sides reasons to group and fight while the Alliance would no longer see the Mode as a dud and actually join in.

Sadly, the current state of things is Alliance players heckling complaints about a problem that was created to solve a non-existent problem that you cried over simply because you guys couldn’t be bothered to play.


Ofc I care about it lol. That’s basically a free 400 ilvl item! With the potential to be a weapon! That’s why most of the horde are upset. It’s the 30% buff we don’t care about.

OK, nevermind, be on your way.

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Easy. I wasn’t counting me among the people i mentioned. Seems that your shiney is so bright, it’s even blinding my judgement.

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That is most likely, and not only yours.

This is it.

There were always enough Alliance in sheer numbers. 55-45% in Horde favour. No massive disparity.

Alliance turned it off for reasons. Only reason we see an increase in Alliance in WM is not due to sudden love of WPVP, it’s for a 400 item. These are not WPVP enthusiasts, but item hunters.

Blizz removes this item, we will see drop in Alliance WPVP numbers, bet anyone a £5 :rofl:

Item hunters do no care about WPVP. They are the equivalent of the AFKers in old school BGs who only wanted free honour and BG marks.

These are not the players Blizz needs to be encouraging.

Just get rid of the freeloaders tbh :grinning:


The reward system isn’t perfect, but it’s having the intended effect, more pvp happening. That is good for wm.

Bizz want a reasonable faction balance per region. The aim is to reduce those that are not playing wm to pvp, the pure pve’ers. And increase pvp in wm.

It’s working. It’s up to players how they deal with pvp situations though. More pvp is happening, and that is the important thing. Outnumbered? You have the tools to counter. Whether you can or not is dependent on your choices, and the choices of your allies. Player control. That is wpvp.

The reward system is both an incentive for the outnumbered, and a disincentive for the outnumberer. Some are not gonna like it, but with this clever self correcting system, balance of a sort can eventually happen.

I’m glad blizz care enough about wm to do this. It must be pvp first and foremost. They knew the changes would make some unhappy. But those pure pve’ers need weeded out, wm is for pvp.

That one 400 item, did not make a lot of difference to me. 1% extra haste was welcome, but, not exactly something to panic over if I didn’t get it. Doing a wq the next day while killing the horde there, I got a 405 trinket. Not even an upgrade according to pawn.

Gear is fun to get, but just an incentive, not the reason to wm. Or shouldn’t be, if a true wpvper :slight_smile:


Not every server was in a “poor alliance state” and this buff just increased that imbalance. Not to mention that it was the phasing and raid groups that was the main problem, this is just adding to that existing problem instead of solving anything.

It’s okay though, I’m doing the same thing, I just join lfg and see if I can find that server/phase that’s dominated by horde.
Sure it makes me question why I even play in pvp mode, apart that I detest pve mode to the point that I moved servers a number of times until I found this one.
Guess it’s just me being stubborn and don’t want to abandon the things I like, even if blizzard is intent on destroying them with their sledgehammer methods.

Eh, it’s just causing the same zerging that existed before this buff, just with reversed effect. So in that sense, we didn’t have a problem before. We were pvp’ing our hearts out. Well, one side were.

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Zerging is part of wpvp, lots of pvp happening. Nothing stopping horde retaliating. That’s the idea, fight. Not always going to be easy. Sometimes only those looking for rewards are available to fight, and they lay down their weps in front of a challenge hehe :slight_smile:


Zerging is a part of WPvP… But it isn’t fair when the Horde does it…?

Because that seems to be the background statement for a lot of your alliance counter-arguement makers.

Why should the Horde fight back? Go on, please explain. Explain and literally screw over your own side by proving that the change for the Alliance was wrong.

After all, that’s the idea, fight.

Don’t try and tell the Horde to “Just fight” when the Alliance could have done it too. But no, we are here.

Love of WPvP is nothing when compared to how much the Alliance are getting free without even suffering for it at all.

With the greater influx of “25 Kill” questers and massive 30% PvE players in general, you are going to be swarmed in great numbers anyway.

I am perfectly happy for horde to zerg. All part of the fun. Before 8.1, I was saying exact same stuff to the alliance complaining - group up. Lfg, wpvp community, guild, local def, etc.

The rewards are secondary. They are just incentive, it’s working. WPvP is more active. That’s the goal.

Players that need an incentive to wpvp are not ideal. Both factions suffer from players that are unwilling to face a challenge. Hopefully they will wm off, because they tend to abandon you when the going gets tough. They were only there for the reward via pvp, not to pvp for the fun of it.


Except that the zerging comes to the point where the game isn’t playable anymore. And don’t say turn off warmode, that doesn’t solve anything. It just continuous the cycle of killing off wpvp. Because what do you think will happen when more and more horde will get tired of this and turn it off? Yes, there will be no enemies left to kill for the alliance. Same thing that happened before the buff.

Doesn’t matter what you personally feel about incentives, that’s not an argument. What matters is what the majority feel. Most people don’t see much point in trying after a while if their base is just continuously zerged days on end, especially if the only reward is some conquest points that are worthless once you’re capped.

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Nope, gonna say group up. If you say, not so easy, undertandable. But can be done. WPvP is a challenge. Reward seekers tend not to like that.

The real problem on wm is too high a proportion of reward seekers. The current reward system is deliberately designed to make those horde just looking for reward to volunteer wm off. If horde are doing that, it’s working as intended. If all that’s left are true wpvp’ers, awesome :+1:

It could balance out in time, ideally with a higher proportion of wpvpers on both factions. Regardless, lots of pvp - that was blizz’s goal with these changes. Group up.


Geez, group up, why didn’t I think of that?
So instead of responding to any of my arguments you rather belittle me and think I don’t know the first thing about pvp?

I already told you why people will give up after a while. Most need an incentive. There’s non for horde.
And again, your feelings are not interesting, it’s the big picture that matters.

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haha its so fun to see tbh… Guilds used faction change to go alliance for the free gear. i wonder how long it will take for blizzard to see that the faction change system will be abused like hell xD i can buy a change if i want to… but i rather work hard for my gear to get a little satifaction out of this single player game… but hey we all know not everyone can clear content or kill players alone :slight_smile: so thats why they need free gear :smiley:

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If they need incentive to wpvp, it’s no loss if they turn off wm But, I’ll agree to disagree. Ey, everyone’s got a point of view, I geddit. :slight_smile:

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Already did. I don’t want participate in an activity where 1 faction gets a free raid quality gear and the other just outnumbers them.

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same, Horde is running empty as we speak now since guilds are faction changing for free gear and worlds firsts…


It’s almost a ridiculous attempt at “balancing” the World First race - Racials vs Freebies

(Quick Edit - Stupid Autocorrect)

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