Dear Night Elf players

I’m so sorry. Perhaps one day Blizzard will remember you need love too…

(Though probably not)


Night elf players when they get new lore only every other patch


Quantity doesn’t mean a lot when the quality’s so lacking!
I’d argue the quantity isn’t that much either. A handful of short conversations in the space of a few patches, followed by a cave dive aren’t exactly riveting.

Compare that to, say, the Orc heritage story and the difference is palpable.


Meanwhile every other race not getting any form of attention breathes a sigh of relief, slinking into the shadows, hoping Blizzard will never remember them or glance their way.


That quest was written by someone spending too much time between Stormwind and Duskwood on ArgentDawn. Awful.

Could you elaborate on that?


As much as the quest wasn’t good. I wouldn’t call it awful.
It doesn’t work for heritage really as it doesn’t do much of a “this is a big part of us/our history/what we represent”, the line about tradition didn’t do enough.
And unless they have a bit of an updated phase in Felwood to show the cleansed moonwell spreading the purity over the area, it’s going to be stinky.
Should have added a bit in Whisperwind Grove to expand on the region’s history and importance or some crap.


Spoilers of the night elf heritage quests:

A watcher carries a Light infused sword from a good old HMP, even though the watchers are the strictest people devoted to Elune. Maiv has no care for that weapon and instead berates the youngling arcanist despite Cataclysm being set for 13 IC years.

Speaking of the youngling, this one handle a Dreadlord or some demon nearly alone, and opens portals like it’s nothing, with just one casting hand, no sweat. He’s also 18 to 20 years old and gets tattoos reserved for adulthood, usually for nelves around and over 100 years old, stomping on more than just the gendered tropes (which idc, why not).

It’s also a mission requiring the CHAMPION and Maiev, just that, why picking up a youngling? Because he suffered? That made no sense, they should have picked an experienced Highborne.

Also why the hell Maiev decides alone to evolve the Kaldorei traditions? Tyrande? Malfurion? Just anyone? Nah, Maiev the Butcher takes upon herself to do that randomly because somehow a 20 years old defeating a demon is worthy of evolving an entire culture, on the spot.

Speaking of Maiev, she acted like a tsundere. “Mage Mage… stutter… Ma- Lysander”. And was overall useless, Maiev please. The huntress of Illidan, toothless. Barely doing anything just because the whole plot of this questline was “tattoos for male night elves” and nothing else.

So yeah it’s a mix of Stormwind: powerful 20 years old self-insert revolutionizing a whole culture. And Duskwood, some Watcher using the Light because Elune’s overrated surely, that HMP from Darkshire had a better weapon lololo.

The only good stuff was the ceremony for the facial markings, it can be reused ICly.


Hasn´t been the case since RPG got de-canonized back in 2010. Elves age at the same speed as humans until they reach adulthood when the aging slows down.


While the rest of your post lists reasonable concerns (if in a more confrontational tone than I myself would put it), I would like to draw attention to this part.

As far as I know, the age of 100 years was given only in the now-non-canonical RPG, which took it from D&D. Current lore, as far as I’m aware, doesn’t say when a night elf is legally or socially considered an adult. We know from the Illidan novel that they reach physical adulthood at the age of around 20 years.

Edit: Ninja’d by Syelia!

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My power cannot be contained.

There’s physical adulthood, which what you said is correct. But I am speaking of the ritual, from when the women night elves got their tattoos for actual adulthood, as in, becoming an adult culturally. And that happens in the lore for when they are at least 100 years old.

Got any source on that?

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I sense nitpicking.

Give me a link to another youngling nelf who got tattoos early, and we can dance around then.

So, no you don’t?


No, I just want to know whether you made it up or not.

Source for elves reaching adulthood is in this page:
For night elves specifically it says (from novel Illidan): “He had the ageless look of a mature night elf, which meant he could be any age from twenty years to fifteen thousand.”

I don’t, because while stuff got de-canonized, in practice, the lore has stayed the same. There was talk about Arcane and Fel a month ago on those forums, explaining the old and new lore differences and how it’s removed from lore, yet still used canonically (Highborne Shen’dralar filtering Fel to Arcane from a demon).

This is the same. Even though it’s been removed, they didn’t retcon the age the Kaldorei got their own tattoos, they kept the the century. Until that questline.

So yeah, while I can’t pinpoint an exact time when it’s been removed, nor you can pinpoint a NPC being defiant of that lore before today.

Hence why it’s nitpicking.

I could be wrong, but I believe she uses the traditional warden weapons. She just has that weapon of her old friend strapped to her back.

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She does.
I remember the quest where you save her.
Oh to be young.


Blizzard never said at what age night elves received their markings.

The old RPG listed an age of adulthood, along with a lot of other stuff that it lifted wholesale from D&D (because it was a D&D adaptation), among it creatures and spells that belonged in, say, Forgotten Realms but not Warcraft.

Ever since the RPG was declared non-canon, it’s not the case that RPG lore is official lore until superseded by newer lore. It’s just not official lore, period.

It’s fine to use the RPG as inspiration for your headcanon. I myself do that. I headcanon that Lintian reached legal adulthood around the age of 100.

But please don’t pass your headcanon as official lore.

(And even then, this case is clearly exceptional — Maiev doing what is essentially a ritual equivalent of field promotion for heroism — and isn’t necessarily indicative of night elf culture as a whole.)