Death knight /cult of shadows guild?

Heya. Are there any death knight / cult of shadows guilds around? Would love some detailing regarding. Been playing my girl for a few years now and would love to continue her story. Played on NA for a while but the hours are too crazy now with a proper job. Mostly looking for heavy story/narrative vibes, thanks. :slight_smile:

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You mean the Cult of Forgotten Shadows? The Undead / Priests society? I myself would be more than happy to find one like this, but for some reason Undead guilds and characters are a rare thing here (and a hot topic for arguments, lol)

The guilds from this forum that might suit you are - Veilbound Vigil (💀 Death Knight Roleplay - Veilbound Vigil (Neutral RP) - #50 by Tenasa-argent-dawn)

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