[PCU] [CROSS-FACTION RP] Grim Gest / Siren Sooth 🧿

[The Duke Drak’ash receives a missive bearing the ominous sigil of the secret and shadowy high council of the Grim Gest – the infamous Twin Serpents coiled around Tranquillien’s highest tower.]

Dictate of the Superiors of Lordaeron, eminently those of Tirisfal and Quel’Thalas.

Answering “Baron Blightreek’s” concerns in regards to,

dysgenic political relations with

and comprehensively hostile relations with

numerous organizations (see: additional protocol 1),

the Superiors of the Isle of Quel’Danas, the Superiors of the Eversong Woods, the Superiors of the Ghostlands, the Superiors of of the Plaguelands, the Superiors of the Tirisfal Glades, the Superiors of the Silverpine Forest, the Superiors of the Hillsbrad Foothills, the Superiors of the Hinterlands and the Superiors of the Arathi ighlands,

in consideration and spirit of communion between the Forsaken and blood elves and in grim determination to withstand deeds of adversary,

aware of and anticipating future political changes,

dictate “Duke Drak’ash” to integrate individuals of officially as hostile recognized races (see: additional protocol 2) into the covenant “Grim Gest” under the mission by the name of “Siren Sooth” (CLASSIFIED).

Appropriate funding will be provided.

Issued in Tranquillien.

[The missive bears various sigils of the Forsaken and blood elves at the end. Additional protocol 1 and 2 were only provided to Baron Blightreek and Duke Drak’ash.]

Argent Dawn, gamers, my friends: The Grim Gest makes their move into Alliance territory. From now on you have the option to play select Alliance races in this guild. We are mainly looking for evil and / or undead humans and void elves. But we will not turn down (most of the) other races in general, if your concept is appropiate for the guild’s role play.

Alliance races that can be recruited into Grim Gest are:

  • Human / Kul Tiran Human
  • Void Elf
  • Night elf
  • Dwarf / Dark Iron Dwarf
  • Leper gnome
  • Worgen
  • Draenei (mandatory Void corruption)
  • Dracthyr (mandatory Void corruption)

IC recruitment can be handled in different ways:

  • Enslavement
  • Recruitment out of prison
  • Individual contract
  • …through the Void RP aspect of Grim Gest…?

We intend to role play A/H at the same place in-game, a Battle.net group chat will be used as cross-faction guild chat.

To be considered for membership on an OOC level you have to share the guild’s approach to role play and your first character has to be at the level cap or very close to it already. We prefer mains over alts.

If not online, send mail!


Can’t wait to see all these twisted creatures on the battlefield. Lok-tar ogar! :muscle:

(I love them…!)


now this is absolutely video gaming


So glad that GG’s immigration system now offers green cards to the best that the Alliance has to offer


This sounds shady, in the best of ways.


Sounds plenty cool to have a place for cross faction cult rp

Might have Omen run your way


Ah, more elves to bully me.


absolutely INSANE


One of my favourite guilds around.


Alliance voidheads… rise UP and JOIN US


Question, are you guys still Sylvanas Loyalists and outside of the Horde, or did that change? How did you guys take Sylv’s fate IC?


this is awesome men (RIP megnarosh :pensive: :fist:)


Night elf?!


I role play the Grim Gest as allied with the Forsaken and blood elves and their respective factions, even secretly supported by them (think: unofficial military branch / the guys who do the dirty work). They have no political relations with the other factions belonging to the Horde.

In our IC perception Sylvanas has faded into obscurity, while other characters (like mine) were never “in it” for the Sylvanas Loyalism itself but for character-to-character related reasons. Our characters are not aware of the full lore development either. OOC I consider Sylvanas Loyalist RP a dead end, Blizzard has written it into the graveyard in a to me unfavourable way.


I see! I was just curious since, I recall fighting against you lot during the Shadowlands pre-campaign in Northrend, and I was a bit confused over how you could on one hand fight against the Horde ,but on the other have the support of the belves and Forsaken. Granted, that was a good time ago and alot may have changed since then.

This part makes sense though, given that she’s now essentially joined the good guys and will probably not return to Azeroth in ages, and her ties to Azeroth seem pretty much gone too with Nathanos being dead too. Must be like being OG Cult of the Damned and seeing the crown on Bolvar’s head.


I will join trollface


Well in my perception the character was turned around fully so that kind of came at a surprise


This is going to be mad interesting to see the effects of the next time we face eachother on the battlefield. Not that it will be enough to change the outcome for round three of our duels, Duke;)

Props for making this happen though and for any RPers out there that are looking to join a darker-themed guild with great, deep-rooted storylines and some of the best opportunities for character development out there… this is probably your spot.


Thanks for the post man appreciate it