Death Knight Names

Dboy? Oh wait, wrong game.

If I have problem with naming my character I always use this fantasynamegenerator :slight_smile:

How dare you reply things that don’t apply to me?! how dare you?!?!


Well… is what happens to me when I see DK’s… Sad noob.

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my first wow character, in early 2005n was a night Elf warrior:
i called him (in french)
that is exactly: Coldblade.
some years later during LK, someone told me:
“hey why did you took a DK name for a warrior LOL”
i’ havent played my night elf warrior since that day… :disappointed_relieved:

First one was Tirisfal, in my lore, my dk was raised in tirisfal with no memories so she called herself Tirisfal when peoples around give her this name for the time being

anyway…blizzard made me change my name because we dont have the right to wear name area of the game for your name… its sad, because my rp was right, anyway =P

Gorefienxd :sweat_smile:

just to name a few here :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. (Bonenars) for a DK undead forsaken

  2. (Silasith) just cause some of their abilities remind me of starwars sith lords

  3. (beardsicle) frost spec dwarf DK

  4. (Infecded) Unholy name

Are you mocking my Coldwhisper?

I mean, frozen = cold. Isn’t that the same thing?

its way too early for this, all of this talk about dk’s made me think people were talking about donkey kong…

Someone on a old realm of mine used to have a somewhat limited imagination. You could see DKmage or DKrouge etc. We assumed he was danish and waited to see DKdk but never did.

However to escape the miasma of edgy and/or bad pun names, just keep it simple.


Can’t you see the Beaty of Deathlord Dave?

(For some reason there seem to be a greater prevalence of male Dks with names on par with Ärthaas) but let’s add in some female names)


I think I would do such vulpera DK just out of spite and join Punyelf’s guild too.

That’s not really true.

it takes me 1 min to decide. it has to start with Natso and end with whatever i think that moments

Maybe that name would fit him/her…

PS: Anyways, I still don’t understand why people want to have a troll name.

I have one DK I created as soon as I got to lvl 55…

If the name gets translated to english it’s called Turnip :sweat_smile:

According to starter area quests it is.

Yeah, no. In the starting area we were mind-controlled by the Lich King. The entire point of the battle at Light’s Hope was to free us from his control. There are zero mentions that he DKs forgot about their past.

Also, plenty of quests after the starting zone also show that the DKs remember their past lives.

Not on the point you choose your name, and when you go to kill the kin of yours you do not initially recall them. So yes you do not recall your past at start of the quests.

Even then, our friend who we are forced to kill clearly remembers our name. He doesn’t call us by some new name.