Goodknight hehe :>
Megadethklok for the perfect amount of edgyness and popculture reference. Deathlord as title is mandatory.
This is true, I myself kept the same name I had in life. Why would I change a perfectly serviceable surname to some garish self-referential desperate stab at humour thing?
Depends what kind of name you’re after?
Typical DK-Death-Decay etc names
Or a name that fits who you character was before?
Pls dont use æøå for ur name, usally pick names from metal songs, since ur rolling a DK, check out some black metal or death metal, Gorgoroth is a good name, but usally taken
Called my Undead one Jobby
And my orc Bludfart
Most will probably be taken, but hey, that’s (un)life.
I bet me and my guild of try-hard characters win.
I’ll just post this to highlight my name, any Witcher fan should get the reference and understand why I am naked. :]
And why I am a gnome.
I have the original -Fool- name on Stormscale Horde i ll sell u that for 1M gold
eww hahah I remeber that quest from the Bloody Baron… just nooope… gave me an idea tho could make Human male named Drownur as Drowner is probably taken and become the Witcher’s most annoying enemy… that blue swampfreak that attacks you in packs
heck 'em
If you want to convey a couch potato with power phantasies…
Dktater (zero uses on EU realms - my style. … Dktator has 7.)
I’m quite inconsistent in naming my characters. Many are puns (especially my Tauren, Tauren NEED pun names), for some I decide on a special theme and then google around it and some are a bit of both.
For my Zandalari DK I already locked the name Zoreille after the Ghede Zoreille, one of the Haitian Death loa next to Baron Samedi.
P.s. I’d advise you not to take this decision too lightly. Your avatar and especially your name will decide other people’s first impression of you and by choosing some edgy name (like many propositions in this thread) you will most likely make others question your age and maturity in the game.
Consider what name you would still be fine with introducing yourself to others in 5-10 years.
I haven’t played Witcher so I don’t understand the refence to that…
But I can understand the desire to be naked and to play a gnome
If we imagine a scenario where your character would change its name after being turned, you could say it decided to name itself after the first thing it saw. In my case, it would be something like “Somanybrokenaddons”.