Death Knights are awful

Nerf fire buff sub.
Nerf WW and Warrior buff FDK.

lol dont stack with your teammate then problem solved.

Obliterate and frost strike literally does 1-2k damage without pillar of frost.

Stop bsing coz you got owned by chillstreak instead learn to counter it you got tools.

Frost doesn’t need buffs unholy does, frost needs a rework away from chillstreak

Unholy dk is in a sad state, frost is being played. Even in 2’s (just don’t expect it to be in the top 100/200 probably)

Was mostly a joke response in regards to the post I replied to.
UH needs an actual buff way more than Frost, agreed.

Just line the chillstreak man, stop stacking with your teammates noobs.

Not like every 10IQ dk grips you into triple blind triple sindra while killing 3 targets at the same time.

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Its sad to see Unholy can BARELY hit a 3k at max level while Palas can hit 5ks while severely under geared and in some circumstances low level.
The only thing we’re useful at is death gripping some poor mage into the middle of the fight in a BG


Sad but true

That’s deceiving tho. The dot and remorseless damage is so low that passive healing outheals most of that. You might be on top after the arena match but it’s mostly meaningless. You know as well as I do that the best form of damage is burst this season, which dk has very little of.

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We actually are. Cata & MoP style was the pinnacle. Modern gameplay design sucks.

Don’t mind him, he has to get boosted by multi r1 players to win games despite playing the most idiotfriendly class/spec in the game

Of course he’s not going to be the sharpest tool in the shed

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Said the mongo playing rmx when fire is in the most busted position it’s ever been in. Your class is the most broken thing in this game and u try to defend it u absolute dog

I know you probably want to believe your sick and that you haven’t been boosted by abusing rmx throughout bfa and upto now but i got some bad news for you but i know the truth can be hard so il spare the details.

Nice one dude, you really got me

He is a mw main are u trolling? Every r1 he has had has been through healing and It’s hes first season dpsing. Really cringe that u feel the need to screenshot low mmr games like this though huge KEKW, u poor creature

It’s no comms chill 3s at low rating and ur playing arguably the best comp in game and trying to flex on it HAHAHAHA send help

I just find it entertaining when people are obnoxious on forums while also not really having any idea what they’re doing and having to get boosted

Your are the epitome of boosted. Screenshotting low mmr games has killed me honestly you’re too much the cringe is off the charts

Yes, I need to play with people who’ve played at 800+ higher rating than me to get anywhere

The only cringe is that you’re not higher rated than you are

But need to play fmage ele hpala which is as i said arguably the best comp ingame right :DDDDDDDDDDD If only i could just press combustion and watch things get insta gibbed and then start screenshotting it to show everyone how good i was

Why is my rating so concerning to you? Are you obsessed? Does it really hurt you that much when i tell you rmx was abusive throughout bfa?

Why wouldn’t I play a strong comp if it’s available to me

What’s stopping you?

Not sure how this has any relevance what so ever since I barely played any RMX in BFA?

yeah its not bad at all when you cant kill anyone and rely only on the stronger specs

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