Death Knights are awful

hmmm volkovitch gave me some back to back 11-12k oblierates the other day.

But i mean he’s obviously better than all dk’s who ever posted here combined

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I think he said about surv in general, but not obliter thats hits like that 1-ce per week moon. The main DK problem is survivability, i even not so mad being as UDK without MS or nerfed NS, but be a paper doll as slowly and clunky Juggernaut class. U need 5-7 GCD to start DPS and in that period sm1 can delete you.

They’re at it again… honestly we should just make hero class players unable to use the forum, nothing good ever comes out of it. You’re a setup class now. It doesn’t mean you’re bad. The playstyle just changed.

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UH DK not being OP once and its not playable anymore? KEKW bro.

Thats all I can say to this.

It’s the same with DHs, suddenly, they dont kill people anymore with 2 buttons anymore and actually have to think about when to use abilities and they aren’t good all of a sudden anymore?


They jjust aren’t OP.

(Before anyone flames me for playing monk, it’s a forum char and untouched in weeks)

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Actually there is no point to complaint. They know what is going on, didn’t revert BFA nerfs, even did more - some ninja nerfs for DKs - like fallen crusader ench, UDK unholy pact nerfs and so on. They just want to see DK in that state tho. Complex specs like UDK, demonology, cats, surv hunters is pretty hard for classic 10 iq players. They need something like - press 1 and 2 and its done.

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He’s not necessarily better than some good DK who could post on this forum. It’s just Volta/Jim/Volko synergy that’s crazy good.

Using more than 1 emoji won’t make your post more beliveable and make you seem right.

Despite that: Yes, UH Dk isn’t a “zug zug burst onto healer or train caster brrrrrr”-specc anymore. :slight_smile: And all the 20 IQ players suddenly realize: “Oh sh*t, I gotta do stuff now to get my glad? BUFF PLIX”

It is not my problem that you lack pvp knowledge. I won’t educate you about the spec.

I do have 12 years of pvp knowledge. This account was made with shadowlands.

Neither will I, just learn how to play your new specc.

You’re not Godclass anymore like in 8.1-8.2 when all you did was braindead focus on casters and kick every single spotable cast your 2 braincells could find on the screen.

Now you have to use your brain. :slight_smile:

Thank you for not educating me about pvp, kid. :joy: :joy: :joy:

I’ll simply report this and stop responding after this. One more 20 IQ guy on the ignore list.

Go back to momma and cry. :joy: :joy: :joy:

When a class or spec doesn’t function properly without another then that is when you would say it’s broken. There is a reason this thread keeps popping up and it’s because the class is garbage.

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Are rogues garbage and deserving of buffs, then? :slight_smile:

Are u implying that rogues are bad or that they cannot do anything standalone?
82 rogues above 2.4 in 2s compared to 20 dks
335 rogues above 2.4 in 3s compared to 111 dks

Let’s not even go into how much of a powerhouse they are in a solo environment.

Funny how Frost death knights literally have an ability called Obliterate, but somehow it is the lowest hitting core ability of all melee classes. I’m 224 Ilvl and with 5 stacks Razorice, fully stacked PoF and Killing Machine, I can hope for a 8k crit.

The majority of our damage comes from passive aoe that you don’t even notice, such as Frost Fever, Howling Blast aoe and Remorseless Winter - which I’m confident that not a single dk asked for. Are we a dot class? My Frost Fever is often 40% of my damage in RBGs (followed by Howling Blast and Remorseless Winter).

Our 3 min cd, Frostwyrm’s Fury doesn’t even deal half the damage of a Ret paladins Judgement, because of tuning from previous expansions which makes the majority of our abilities deal 33-66% less damage in PvP, such a Frostwyrm’s Fury, BoS, Fallen Crusader, Death Strike etc.

All our damage has literally been fueled down into a single disgusting ability called Chill Streak which throws out some random snowballs, and it is the most inconsistent ability in the game. Our whole kit in PvP plays around enabling this. Flavorful design indeed.


Frost designed around BoS. Do u wanna try to play thru it all the time? :smiley: Actually chillstreak not so bad idea.

I’d say they need to delete subtlety and think of a different approach of it.
You can’t give a lot of damage to a class that can keep you out of the game for up to 20 seconds at any point.

Also if you want obliterate to hit way more you need to be night fae, drop your blue DND to get a 200 mastery buff and have the obliterate legendary [which can cleave 2 targets in blue dnd].


That just got to be the worst suggestion I have seen on these forums… and that is considering all the terrible suggestions around here. :joy:

Subtlety is one of the only speccs in the game that has a interesting toolkit in my opinion. When Assassination is meta rogue is so boring.

Sub rogues does not have a lot of damage. It has small burst windows. It does not have effortless “20 seconds cc at any point”. There are plenty of ways to stop the cc chains.

I see what you mean. The exact same argument can be used for rogues as they are currently carreid by fire mages. I still don’t think sub rogue need a buff… and neither do frost DK.