Death Knights for All Races Preview

Here is the creation screen:

They will all have the Blue eyes this is an early look.

Lad, we’re in the EU… we get them tomorrow.


Even the blog says :wink:

Many will fear you after your dark rebirth, but your sacrifice is a necessity to confront the new horrors that will be unleashed once the Visions of N’Zoth content update goes live next week on January 15.


In other words you see dead people, and dead guys AGAIN have to save the universe.

Death knights would do with a raise !

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Its from the ‘Dead’ world will need saving… with Helmet of Domination destroyed~ prepare for Scourge Invasion prepatch :rofl:

This is good recycling - I approve :+1: :skull:

But what is a death knight in dead realm ? Live knight ?

Being a janitor for the living is a thankless task.

Double negative is positive. So yes.

So much for the uniqueness of DKs.

What’s next? Demon Hunters for all?

Seriously. There have been ogres on the wait-list for so long and before that, we mostly get reskins over reskins, somewhat poor race specific stats and to top it all this is all fanservice for looks, but where is the fanservice for the actual lore on which it all was based on to begin with. Hell we have some stupid 4th war wannabe veterans but we have no ogres that fought during the first wars as well.

Disappointed on the way things have headed since the start of the allied races. Considering they never bothered to raise the 50 hard cap on max characters, you were forced to delete characters or pay them for the race change. And it just looks more and more like a letdown every time they keep going down this path.

why that is indeed very amazing and fascinating, based blue poster what about my spec when can that return to the mortal plane? or you know the DEADPLANE HEHE HE
(because the next expansion is set in the realm of the dead :slight_smile:)

When you are gonna fix DK Voice? We don’t have DK voice, we don’t have skin options either. At least fix voice for now.

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With all the changes being made, all new content, updates, allied races etc… This feature I really do appreciate. So many things can be said about a lot of the choices being made by Blizz (why Vulpera when we could have had Valajar Vrykuls or atleast something horde-like), nevertheless WotLK and Legion are my all time favorite expansions and seeing DK’s on all races during BFA is a great decision at this time!

Very disappointed to see Blizzard didn’t bother doing it, which makes the entire thing disappointing and cut me off the envy to buy Shadowlands. Please Blizzard, could you add them?

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