Death of Matthias Shaw and Flynn Fairwind

Flynn Fairwind and Matthias Shaw, they were characters that I like on Alliance side, not like a real fan but I can say I used to like them, at least their voice lines etc were enjoyable and I used to like interactions-dialogues between them, when they were… friends . That is no more as you may know, they were made a gay couple.

When I read that short summary of a news related to them a few minutes ago, it was like these are characters that I don’t remember at all, they were like non-existent to me, I can assure you my memory is extremely good and I ain’t alzheimer. These characters are ruined from my perspective apparently, I don’t have even a tiny bit of interest in them anymore, they are dead characters to me.

Congratulations to whoever thought of this relationship, you did well when it comes to ruining 2 characters on alliance side. It is not that I am homophobic they are just a forced couple. I got “Dumbledore is gay” vibes from this relationship, out of the blue. That’s all yea.


Shaw is James Bond of WoW, and Flynn did lot of flirting with ladies in BFA. This was indeed very forced.


They gotta get them virtue points some where!

All the big companies these days are doing it, just ignore and move on.


Totally agree with you. Well the good thing is they told us before, now I know I can just ignore the storyline in SL whenever either of those two chars pop up :slight_smile:


Gay guys are the absolute biggest flirts with women out there.


I don’t know why they had to ruin these 2 characters by trying to make them a forced couple, they already put gay Night Elf couple in Shadowlands quests, this one was unnecessary and a dire mistake. These characters might even lose their popularity now because of this forced narrative.

Flynn was a really funny character during BfA made BfA war campaign and islands somehow…tolerable with his voicelines.

I learnt a new term related to this, “Get woke, go broke” I don’t know why they are trying to force such narratives when they can’t even support this in China, they’ll release censored version there and in Russia. Now these were my own thoughts, I’ll quote some important parts from a quora post now.

This is long & I’m trying to make it as unbiased as possible.

Get woke = When a business or corporation tries to make money by changing key aspects of a beloved long running property, usually of the entertainment variety, in order to expand the fandom & money pool by catering to outsiders who had zero interest in the product, by mutating it until it appeals to them.

More often than not, a company will attempt to cash in on trendy political movements. There’s a strong chance that none of the higher-ups in the company actually believe in the message, they just want clout on social media & for the press to praise the company & product, which makes the shareholders happy.

The end goal is that the publicity will bring in more customers & more money, & that the disgruntled pre-existing customers will get over their anger & resume consuming their products.

Go broke = Political movements are run by very small numbers of people, usually people who are still in college, high school, have low income jobs, or are unemployed & living with family. They demand changes, but notoriously never reward the changes monetarily, saying the good deed was it’s own payment. While they do bring in free publicity, they are an unreliable source of income.

The vast majority of customers liked the product the way it was & did not appreciate the message that their money & years of patronage wasn’t good enough, or that they’re now yesterday’s meal & the company now only caters to the youth, or being called horrible things for failing to convert. Thus, the exiled & shamed ex-customers revoke their patronage of the company, causing them to slowly bleed money until the company either folds, or is forced to sell off the damaged brand to another company.

Sometimes a company will absent-mindedly back a movement that reveals hypocrisy & financial motivation. For example, if a company was to support the Black Lives Matter movement & gay pride, while simultaneously banning users for supporting the Free Hong Kong Movement, removing black characters from box art & posters for releases in China, & removing gay characters for releases in China, Russia, & the Middle East. The most obvious examples are Disney & various AAA video game publishers.

The guy explains this as unbiased as possible, without giving company names except Disney, but says AAA video game publishers, Activision Blizzard is among them yea. They should’ve implemented such characters more carefully by time, by giving them a real setup, perhaps 2 years later then I could’ve support such a move but this is just too fake and shallow :grimacing: .


Everything Christie Golden touches turns into crap.


Their chemistry was so obvious in BfA. Come on, nobody should be surprised by that.


Or is it weekend already?


This is one of these threads where I promise myself to stop looking at as I’ll end up barred again for engaging with thick people.

As always it upsets all the right people who, by their reaction, prove that there are issues within not only the player base, but society at large.

“Why do we have a gay couple? There already is one!”

Ridiculous , angry wee guys who are only capable of communicating in memes


As I’ve stated, they had a good friendship

Christie Golden is a soldier, not General, she does whatever she is ordered to do.

You don’t understand and this makes me think that you are saying this “thick people” part to yourself in front of a mirror. Problem is not the gay couple lol, problem is how they were made gay all of a sudden to appeal LGBT out of the blue.

And this is what happens when they do it like this.


And now there is more. So what’s the problem? This is the same with Baine and the Highmountain Chiftain. There is Chemistry going on. And Blood elve leader and Nightborne leader. There is Love in the Air. But nobody cares about them banging in the near future.


as if shaw was a decent character in the first place, totally incompetent buffoon.

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Made me think of that time I dated a guy in high school and he turned out gay. He’s my best friend now but it still makes me laugh lol


Also Flynn is bisexual on top of that. Like he’s both able to be lured by Sirens… and had a crush on Taelia at one point

that term is dumb since basically all “woke” media don’t go broke, the only thing they seem to consistently break records in fact.


To be honest not so much WoW but say Iceman from X-men he was turned gay for reasons… its a comic hero make new ones like DC did with Bunker in new 52, if you want proper gay characters write good stories for them just don’t be lazy and take pre existing characters and change them.


They are both bi sexual lets get facts right .


Pretty sure Shaw is just homosexual though


I mean do we really need another thread like this people spreading hate and intolerance.


Flynn was flamboyant in pretty much every conversation one had with him.

Its highly implied he had a thing valeera sanguinar. Well no real thing but interest but they both chose not to pursue it given they are both intelligence agents of their respective faction and their allegiance ultimately lies with their faction (shaws anyway)