It only took 9 years, but we’re getting a Deathwing mount.
I think I’ll superglue this mount to my keybinds, because it’s going nowhere.
Yeah, wanted him as a mount since Cata and now my outfit will be complete!
It looks really great, we need it!!!
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We mounted his Granddaughter.
It was only a matter of time.
It was his daughter, but that statement still belongs in a Steamy Romance Novel.
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Nope, we killed her, stole the baby drake from her steaming corpse.
They never stay dead for long, trust me.
Amazing simply amazing.
Now we need to mount an badass undead playing the guitar on top of a dinosaur on top of a shark… THAT can fly! and shoot lazer beams!
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All of this sounds excellent.
It’s times like this I wish I could post imagines, because Dr Evil “Freaking Laserbeams!” would be an instant GIF
Puny! Get on it!
Oh sweet, that mount will be a nice addition to my collection !
Looking further in what was announced, something irks me. That is the Ragnaros statue… Why is it in “colorblind mode” 
Do we have to pay money ???
For your psychologist trips after completing these challenges in LFR, yes.
Other than that, no.