Decrease layers

Please blizzard decrease the layers, its so boring in the open world, is see very few horde players. Dont know if its worth to keep leveling to 60, already falling asleep

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go in winterspring and check there allways plenty of people on the hotspots

Which realm?

Im on Spineshatter PvP Classic and all I see is horde everywhere I go!

u gotta be lying bro. warcraftlogs shows 6 top 50 guilds being from horde spineshatter compared to 18 ally. wsg queues for ally are like 30 min. horde is just full of bots

Keep in mind that is just for guilds, there are many people (myself included) that run 2+ pugs weekly.

That is a horrible idea. We already got plenty to suffer because of the size of the servers, it took me a week to be able to finish my Rhok’delar bow on hunter even with 8-10 layers, there were like 10-15 hunters constantly switching layers and failing the demon kitting, putting the mobs on 3 hours cooldowns over and over. The resources on map are hard to come by as well, even with 8-10 layers and the list could go on.

The game was not meant to have such a large population on a single server and there were no changes made to optimize or take that into account for any sort of balance.
Though layering is not perfect, is something we need.

And skyrocket all prices for openworld resources on AH. Want to see black lotus for 300g? Or elemental fire for 20?