Defend Saurfang?

I dont even understand how people can defend Sylvanas who killed their friends and comrades and raised them as undeads just like lich king which just proves that Sylvanas doesnt give a crap about her own horde and could just raise them all as mindless undead slaves if she wanted to.

I know its just a game but i guess that being an hot elf is enough to forgive someone for doing baddy bad stuffs to ones friends, families and faction.

I am Alliance, i hope we dont get this kind of crap too.


Imo everyone who blindly follows Sylvanas should have those characters on which they did so removed when 9.0 comes and have undead versions of those characters placed in the game.

You made your choice to serve the Lich Queen. Now ‘live’ with it.

For Saurfang!


cool but that would means that blizz would have to give us the dark ranger model :stuck_out_tongue: and they wont so it wont happen just like with every horde action there wont by any conquences

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None of my characters side with the Lich Queen.

My Blood Elves know all too well what Sylvanas looks like, my Nightborne remember their previous tyrannical Queen (Azshara) and my Mag’har never cared for Sylvanas anyway. An undead elf will never be a true Warchief in their eyes.


and yet they would follow the suppose “honorable” saurfang a war criminal that never paid for his crimes hypocrite much?

And yet that option is better than a witch who chooses herself over the people who fight for her. Sylvanas and Azshara should compare notes, they are two of a kind.


Saurfang is the very person who put this war in to action the blood of those night elves are squarely on his hands he made the plans he carried them out Ultimately saurfang is the very criminal you claim Sylvanas is she might have pulled the trigger but war criminal saurfang made it possible

a few decades ago we have this very scenario in real life and guess what people in saurfang’s position was executed for war crimes

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Sorry, but I distinctly remember it was the corpse hag who was telling me all about how she wanted to conquer Kalimdor and how Malfurion Stormrage must die.

Yep. She’s a criminal, murderer and the Lich King incarnite because she’s going about, doing exactly what Arthas did, and not accepting responsibility.

Go away. I’m done talking to you. Don’t ever speak to me again.

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Eeeeh not quite…

Saurfang is a warrior, through and through. He probably enjoys fighting worthy opponents. He’s not a peace loving tauren after all, he’s lived his entire life fighting.

BUT, he doesn’t enjoy genocide, he remembers the early days of the Horde with shame like most orcs, when they were willing slaves to the Legion. It was not his idea to burn down Teldrassil and doom a lot of civilians to one of the most painful deaths you can imagine.
That was purely Sylvanas.

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does not absolve him of his crimes he was slaughtering women and children before even drinking the demon blood saurfang is a hypocrite pure and simple perhaps blizzard does not understand the character they created or they forgot their own lore again but if sylvanas is getting axed then saurfang should be right there getting the axe too

I did like Saurfang initially, but as I came to know him and his past, I sided with a fellow ‘Blood Elf’ naturally due to progression and cultural belief. Saurfang’s ‘for honour’ just didnt seem to cut decisions, and Sylvanas’ ‘command and conquer by any means necessary’ was appealing. Sure decisions were a bit 0_0 (burning tree) but it made the game a game, risky and on par with a story that can be exciting. She’s lost a Warlock and gained an illidari…for all that matters haha.

So bye bye to all the hard work on the Warlock, and hello to all the hard work to come on the Illidari…until something happens that reinfirces a decision… just one thing tho… Sylvanas said in Orgrimmar “Let me be perfectly clear, you will find the traitor Saurfang. You will deliver him to me. And you will not fail me again”. … I ‘/sorry’ her with a bunch of other folks who clearly made the same mistake. In the hopes that there may be something further up the line that I can fix. The hint may be in her last statement?

Haha hope this will just happen :star_struck:

For Drek’thar!


Source to this?

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Thank you fellow Unwilling Saurfang Follower, hope to stand by your side if we can rectify this by presenting Sylvanas with Saurfangs head XD

The Horde was about Honor and wisdom, in Warcraft 3 there was the undead with SYLVANAS

and The HORDE with Cairne, Sen’jin, Rokhan, Rexxar and God damn Thrall.

Not that Scuffed Lich king.

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The issue is that the choice wasn’t obvious for some.

You can take a quest for Saurfang, or there is that generic text bubble that many npcs have where they tell you more information.

They should have just made them both big ! options instead.

I knew we were getting a choice and I was not going to side with Saurfang so immediately looked for a way not to take that quest. I think he is dishonorable and a traitor.

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If you think Sylvanas is a good warchief, you’re evil and soulless.:grimacing:


If that’s the case it should have been made more clear, obviously. If enough people make the same mistake, it’s not the fault of the people.

Fair enough that you think he’s a traitor, but you can’t really stick by Sylvanas if one of your arguments against Saurfang is that he’s dishonorable.
Because Sylvanas has committed genocide, murdered civilians, killed her own troops, defiled the corpses of both allies and enemies, used plague and disease that kills indiscriminately as a weapon… And so on… The list is long…

Find a dictionary in Azeroth and there’ll be a picture of Sylvanas under “Dishonorable”.


I don’t think I would ever be able to trust a horde that becomes a traitor for a toy but alts are morally grey so I will probably do that too :slight_smile:

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well shwosh some of them are serial traitors that supported the weak warchief vol’jin too which is funny because they helped garrosh deliver the mana bomb most likely and thus have infinite realities of blood on their hands heck the horde player that did that scenario is most likely a bigger mass murderers then even the legion even if you low ball jaina’s city to be 20.000 citizens because of the mana bomb destroyed a infinite amount of her city with 10.000 cities destroyed the horde player has 200 million’s people blood on their hands thanks to the multiverse being endless we’re looking at beyond trillions making the player biggest war criminal in the history of warcraft