Delay flying until 9.0

This topic is a pretty hard point actualy to talk about.
Becouse u got 2 sides
The Wpvpers
And the Others (raiders,qeusters,people dowing WQs ect ect.

Mostly becouse of what type of gameplay youre looking for isnt the same for everyeone so its hard to implement a change everybody is happy with.
Ive seen you can only fly when you got WM of i realy think that is a good idea.
Bud stil there are people that turn WM on for the bonusses only and if that gets inplemented they wil probaly go to the forums and complain.
Thats why i personaly think warmode was a bad idea.
I realy liked the idea of PVP realms and PVE realms.
Although there is stil some Wpvp in pve realms its a lot less.
Those are just my opinions and idea’s i hope they helped you

Dude . I agree, they should also remove the flying mounts.

Also, why delay til 9.0when you can just release it when next expansion is released. That would be so great.

For the hardcore players just wait until classic then you can enjoy without any fly and fuss.

It would be so lovely for all of us that got bored of just standing in zandalar waiting to be summoned for raids and dungeons or just simply use the flight master.
If we want pvp we just make a group of 10 people and start samking alliance, sorry, farm alliance for fun at flightmasters or in their bases and if thats not enough e make a group of 40 players.

So yeah…flying its a b.i.t.c.h.(bad idea to creat humor)

im sorry you are wrong.

i am jumping the gun here maybe, but i come to the conclusion that if you do not accept this, then can anything you say be believed?

Ion Hazzikostas SAID so in an interview on 2015/05/22! remember, this was only a few weeks before 6.2 went live.

https:// www.icy-veins. com/forums/topic/12361-patches-beyond-62-confirmed-flying-not-coming-in-warlords-or-beyond/


hence why i think they are spiteful in “gifting” us pathfinder half way into the expansion, instead of letting us get it on level cap.

first poster to respond to this info:

which proves my 2nd point that a lot of people were unhappy or left specifically because of lack of flying. im not saying all 4.5M+ that left did so cause of no flying, but i would guess that a sizable chunk had that on their list of reasons for leaving or taking a break.

im sorry, again, if you cant accept these 3 facts, (though you say you accept the 3rd, but then somehow sidestep it), not my opinions, FACTS, then no reasonable discussion can be had with you, or anyone else who deny’s them.

ps. seems Ion was also responsible for no flying in 6.0 onwards. yet another reason to not be happy with his position in blizzard :frowning:


He is spokesman for WoW. He is being political and manipulative which is normal. He says the worst thing you can hear, then he actually gets what he wants with this ‘‘compromise’’.

In the link there is a comment;

‘‘I don’t believe they will remove flying entirely - they have too many flying mounts in the in game store to carry it through. 6.2 not the last patch but 6.2 the last tier?’’

That’s the sound of reason. They never wanted to get rid of flying completely. They just wanted to players to experience the outdoor world they designed. And they got it.

Nah. That doesn’t prove anything about your point. People talk always, nothing new. ‘‘i wilL quit, give me my flying, fix my class design, give me my reputation… OR I WILL QUIT’’, but they enver do that. The best example is YOU, you are complaining about pathfinder since forever, yet you are still playing the game, even though you are extremely unhappy.

Those who actually quitted wow, mostly quitted because they played for far too long, they came to a certain age and now they need to do other things irl… etc. A very small minority quitted because of pathfinder. Just because you are in a bubble of ‘‘pathfinder complainers’’, doesn’t mean that bubble is the whole wow community.

The actual fact is;

1 - You want to void the world because you are fixated and obsessed with rewards, and try to do everything in a short time period, and want to consume content as if it is fastfood.

And Blizzard says, no. This is their game and if they do not give flying, this has nothing to do with being spiteful.

2 - Blizzard never wanted to remove flying completely. They wanted you to experience the world and be grounded until new zone is about to arrive.

Even if they really wanted to remove flying… well… can you fly right now? Do you enjoy flying in BFA? Did you enjoy in Legion when it was current? Huh? NO? Okay then, they basically removed flying. Because whatever you do, rep or gold or story lines, you are not flying right now in BFA zones.

3 - Pathfinder complianers didn’t win a victory vs Blizzard with that compromise, because as i said, they never wanted that, and players aren’t a side of agreement either. And again, you aren’t flying in current content, which means Blizzard got what they want. Those subs number decrease in WoD is never a support for your claims or never justify your demands for flying.

Umm, that would need a lot of quests to be re-written…and a lot of the lore…I mean I agree. Activate Warmode? You fight on the ground. Don’t activate Warmode, you can fly.

This. SO much This.

You’re playing the wrong game, Flying has been part of this franchise since before MMO’s existed, since just 3 years after the Internet became privately available, 1994 chap. 1994, Flying has been part of this franchise since then. If you don’t like it, its your fault for playing the wrong game.

Massively Impractical, they are going to refund people the money they spent on those mounts, yeah? I would not have played for the last six years if there was no flying, are they going to refund me the last Six years Subs? I mean, I won’t lie, the cash injection would be nice, I’d rather play in World of Warcraft though, which means flying.

For the Hardcore players, play the game as it is actually presented, if you want tired stuff, crack on with ‘classic’ when you can play an incomplete game with bugs and imbalance (If it doesn’t have those by the way, you are not playing Classic)

That’s because most people don’t play an MMORPG as an MMORPG, you just play it as a MMOG. Its your mistake. Not the game, not anyone else. Its you. Play the game properly, and you wouldn’t be sat there being bored waiting for Raids and Dungeons…I mean hells, when did players of games get so casual? I don’t join a queue for fun. Why are you doing that?

I run a Guild based on Dragonhawk Riders, you know, a unit type that existed before WoW itself was released, and has been shown to exist in game several times.

Remove Flying, I unsub. Its pretty simple. Remove Flying? Your game suddenly makes no sense and certain things that happened in game can not have happened. In fact…everything from day one of the release of WoW suddenly makes no sense and is impossible.

They should release a version of WoW where you do not have a Hearthstone, and there are no Flight Masters.

Go Play that. Its not WoW, but it is what people are asking for. No flying enemies, no quests where you can fly, Just…everything is stuck on the ground. There are no dragons, dragons have wings, things with wings -usually- but not always tend to fly. Nothing can fly on Azeroth. No wonder the Exodar crashed, it came too close to Azeroth and Gravity is weird there, it crashed. That does mean the Blood Elves had nothing to do with it…hmm, that does mean there is no reason for the Alliance to attack them, Oh, wait…Arthas had no Gargoyles, so he…yeah, no, That couldn’t have happened. Oh, heck, the First War couldn’t have happened… Hang on, wait, wait, No Flying=No World of Warcraft.

Yeah, that’s a stupid idea…Lets stick with the actual canon setting shall we?

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Actually no. Warcraft 1 had no flying units. So hammering on a false fact here.


I doubt you even touched the game, considering only Warcraft 2 introduced flying units. Do you have some mental condition that forces you lie with almost every one of your posts on these forums?

Edit: Too slow :frowning:

You’re playing the wrong game, Flying has been part of this franchise since before Computers existed, since just 3 years after the Calculator became privately available, 1896 chap. 1896, Flying has been part of this franchise since then. If you don’t like it, its your fault for playing the wrong game.

Chap chap chap chap chap chap chap

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Ahem, Its cute, that of all people you bring in the mob, but that isn’t what I said, was it? I said Flying has been part of this franchise, since before MMO’s existed. Which they had. WCI was not an MMO, and I never said -Player- Flying. I said Flying as a concept. I mean are you now trying to claim that Neltharion, Ysera, Alexstrasa, Nozdormu, in fact, look just a lot of animals. Flying existed in WCI

Weird how you were perfectly fine with the concept till you were told not to be.

Wow…I mean wow…You…you actually think that the concept of flight and gravity are contingent upon flying units, despite entities capable of such already being in the canonical storyline? I did play WC1 as it happens, and despite Fantasy games being very much my bag, I preferred the Red Alert games, they were a bit more polished, with better animations. I distinctly remember Dragons being part of Canon Lore during WCI however.

I do have mental conditions. Epilepsy sucks, Depression isn’t great, none of these compels me to lie in posts, Get your boss to brief you better, next time, meladdio…. I know you’re being a good little soldier, but there is a level where sycophancy becomes uncomfortable to witness…

This is where you are trying to be clever, but actually making a mistake.
This Franchise was created by human beings. Yes?

Flying has indeed been a ‘thing’ since before Computers existed…I mean…that is a thing… I mean…that…that’s just…facts…basically. That is the concept of Flying, and the Concept of Computers. Only an idiot would try to insist that flying in computer games existed before computers to play such games on existed… That would be madness!

I…don’t know how to break it to you, but computers in the sense that we understand them now? They didn’t exist in 1896……


In which case you could argue for removing the flying from players. Because it doesn’t remove flying from the world, only restrict our access to it.

The mob? It’s two people, guy. And who am I to tell them where to post and what. It’s free world.

Ehhh, yeah. Yeah, sure. So ehh, Removing all the things that we knew existed in Canon Lore during WC I but weren’t depicted in lore then?

I mean, that would be your character and mine, they seemingly didn’t exist in WoW at release, some weird time floof . Oh, and ehh, Yeah, All Kaldorei are like, twelve years old. I mean it never existed in WCI, right?So hang on, thy never existed in game so never existed…Right. Anduin is not 18, He’s about 5. Yeah, a lot of this stuff doesn’t exist…

Don’t try to be clever, I know how certain people work, I was there long before you.


I’m not even supporting removing flying but I have to ask how does removing the players ability to use flying mounts removing things from canon lore.

Secondly dragons were introduced in Warcraft 2 with deathwing.

I suppose things change, much like how you used to have respect for lore and now use it as a jumping board for your own self insert character and headcanon that entirely revolves around him.

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I won’t care so much about Flying if game doesn’t ask me so much grind.

First i have to complet lot of WQ for AP, because you know … Set bonus ask you 2 month of Currency farming before being able equip it , and Neck power ask the same since the news ability give another stupidly OP powerup so more AP farming.

Then i have to spend lot of times farming plants for my pots and flask and books and scrolls

Then i have to fishing for contribute to feast

And finaly i can start playing .

C’mon be realistic , no one anymore want 3 extra hours of jobs each day

WPvP is a false issue, you could still do it each expac when flying was there but now it become suddently wrong ?

Keep Pathfinding if u want to ,but allow Flying in current content for each part , slow pacefarming game simply for play isn’t FUN.

im sorry, what part of

do you not understand? !?!?!?

you know, i only heard that blizz were going to remove flying forever cause so many people were talking about it during WoD, but i never actually read any interview or quote saying as much. but all it took was a 2 second search to find a quote from someone i think most people on forums would take as a reliable source of info, icyveins.

maybe you should do a few searches too before you mislead anyone else.

also funny. 4th post. im not the only person who uses the word spiteful to describe blizzards decision to timegate flying.

but i give up on you. then again, what hope did i have when you dont even seem to understand the difference between timegating, and timesink. but what i worry about most, is while you seem to be a lost cause here, there are others who might read your comments and take your incorrect statements as fact and continue wrongly holding that point of view.

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That’s because no PvPer will ever say that, ganking, and gank squads have always existed. And always will.

I also think timegating it to a certain degree is good, especially considering the “We want it now” mentality people have nowdays.

I believe its the other way around, alot more quit than Ion hazza knows about and have no clue why subs are extremely low today than over just 2 expansion ago where it was 10m… in the start of legion where players thought we would get flying !, as soon they saw no more flying, its been downhill ever since fast, faster than before.

just because some did not quit, do not means many did not quit, there is no doubt players did quit over it.

That is also what what i think, a lot of players have quit over it, more than just a few, and i think more quitted over it without even knowing it, because they got bored from riding to farm so much, and if friends quit more probably quit just because of that, so im sure flying is responsible for alot more quitting than you think Monsterette.

have you ever noticed how players move away from dead servers and/or quit, its the same that happen when more quit, more dead servers more quitters. i played for years on dead server, and players left/quitted daily.

As i have said before, with no flying i do less than i did when i had flying… less time to help other players you know the thing called interact with other players, which is probably another reason players quit, ‘no flying’ is detrimental to wow.


You know you could RP a flier even if there was no player character flying available…

The “but lore” element is really irrelevant to ooc mechanics.

Because it is against Canon Lore? It does not reflect the World of Warcraft setting of Azeroth? Are you seriously, honestly, and with a straight face declaring that every type of flying mount and dragons did not exist prior to their inclusion in the WC games? Is that a genuine assertion? I mean, that is a bold claim, I guess there was no anything at all until WC1 then? The entire world sprang out of whole non existance eh? I guess Humans were the size of houses as well eh? Or…or, and this is crazy…maybe these things did exist, as the Canon lore suggests?

Ahahahah, No.

Care to actually try to give an example of this. I know it is what your boss keeps saying, and asking people to say, but do you have any examples of your own you can provide? I’ll wait. I mean if you want to ask your Hive Mind you can. I’ll wait.

Yeah, and PvP’ers have always blamed other things. Always. Since day one. Only one thing was a Constant, and that’s the one thing people never admit is the constant.

Yeah, I agree, it should be something worked towards. Delaying it till 9.0 would be ridiculous, and a vast disservice to those who programmed the terrain. Nobody is going to bother with Zandalar or Kul Tiras come 9.0. All those hours of work making beautiful scenery utterly wasted…

Umm, You really couldn’t… I mean I suppose you -could- if you wanted to play one of those ‘Tavern Heroes’ who are mighty warlords but just sit in taverns night after night. Not sure where the fun would be there.

Now I know you don’t believe that. You play in an RP Guild, on an RP realm. How can you sit there and say lore is irrelevant. I’m noticing some dissonance in certain groups views here. Is lore relevant, or is lore irrelevant?

If you play an RP Character in an RP Guild on an RP Realm, I would reckon lore is extremely relevant…

I didn’t say lore is irrelevant. The lore is very important to roleplayers and you know I feel that.

What I said was claiming that ‘because in lore there are flying mounts therefore players MUST be allowed to fly’ is not a valid arguments as to why we want flying.

And claiming that if flying wasn’t available OOC that therefore everything is against lore and none of our characters would exist is just illogical.

eta: I want flying, after timegating, because by the time I’m levelling my fifth alt I just want to get to the next place fast!

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Hey, I was linked this.

Reading comprehension, Brigante. You and Rhaewon were expressedly talking about “franchise” involvement with flying which the retrocative inclusion of dragons into the Warcraft universe has nothing to do with.

Ignoring that, it’s a very bizarre argument that decisions to use flying (that weren’t made) from Warcrfaft 1 should determine that players should have access to flying mounts in current content.

It’s a genuine difficulty for game design, and I daresay no length or lack of delay will satisfy everyone. Personally I feel flying should be reintroduced once the current zones have lasted long enough to be fully explored to boredom by anyone playing semi-consistently. I feel 8.2. will have achieved that, but maybe that’s just me.