why do you want to anger players who don’t do warmode?
I don’t I just want equality (balance)
I wouldn’t call that balance…
Flying with 0 pvp = 10x faster WQs, so warmode gets 10x reward, it is balance
and the raid/dungeon thing?
I really wouldn’t call this balance. this is just punishing players for not wanting to do warmode
People want flying. It’s people like you who are ruining this game.
well they can tweak the numbers a bit but it should be the same character reward for both, with same amount of time, maybe something like make world quests with no warmode take longer instead, like kill 50 pigs instead of 20
Where was there WPvP outside of the ICC entrance and Wintergrasp (which had flying disabled during battle). At best i would add the very rare fights at the frost giants.
shame on you tz tz
ANYWAY. Time to dismantle the post.
appeases me as well for instance. And im anything but casual. In comparison to you alone im a freaking god.
There are people who preffer to be able to do it after already farming the living crap out of it since launch.
I dont have to deal with daze without having to buy the stupid BS or LW item. Whoever makes that crap.
There was no real WPvP since TBC. Even without flying there is no true WPvP outside of Champion world quests. And that would happen even with flying.
I can actually enjoy the zone from above. Viewing it in all its glory.
It doesnt. Blizzard even stated that. Half of the xpac to enjoy it without flying. Then you get flying. That way their work is not wasted.
Flying has been a part of WoW longer than non-flying has been. So in that regard and by applying your flawed logic one could easily say that not being able to fly is “not very wow-ish”.
Oh look. Someone that wants this game to be serious. Totally gonna happen with walking squids, gnomes, pokemon etc etc etc.
What case? So far i only see easily demountable points
not rly, flying = adhd gaming, instant gratifcation fast food, not same philosophy which characterised the original wow
Pls guys my dragon is disabled he thinks he’s a horse.
Stop trying to gimp non pvp’ers.
You want to PvP, you accept the hazards that come with it.
Nah its better we all can’t fly so he can stroke his ego. sigh
equality of outcome or equality of opportunity? xD
ty i shouldn’t be wasting my time on forums anyway. even legitimate suggestions on how to improve the game are trolled and shilled over, let alone the bad suggestions!!
i know this whole thread is not serious (just look at your replies) but imo, flying actually improves the aesthetic. in a lot of cases, what can you see when you’re stuck under the trees? or have a limited view.
go to hellfire peninsula, fly up to a decent height then (with full graphics on) look around. the area is so amazing and much more so than when you were running around at 60 (before cata) through the dark portal and the area got annoying cause of the fel reaver always getting you. you can take in the area when flying more than you can by having to avoid mobs on the floor while on the ground.
the dark portal (and other areas) look so much more amazing when you are high enough to appreciate them in contrast to everything else.
Any zone, we fought others, as and when we came across them.
not true mate
“let’s ruin wow for everyone so I feel a bit better” seems to be the point of this thread.
Hazards and also incentives
not an argument
If you want pvp go into a battleground you mardy sod and let us fly.

not true mate
Too easy of a bait. Youre a casual in every sense of the word. So dont call out others for being a “hur dur casual hur dur” while being one yourself.
So ye, imma stick with you simply being a bad troll. Bad because good trolls actually take their time before they expose themself.