Delay flying until 9.0

Sorry but you have no evidence to back up your claim, just because I’m being light hearted and jovial doesn’t mean I am trolling, I’m just trying to open a discussion without being too acrimonious, which is why im making jokes here and there, I’m calling out others for being a casual because they want to get their wqs over quicker to go play another game, if you want to look my bfa pvp achis you see i may not be literally numero uno but I’m not a ‘casual’, and in the limited pve i do my logs are pretty good mate (im the monk drezzchi form this thread)

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But you don’t want us to fly so I have 0 respect for you :slight_smile:

i’m just doing suggestions, not making demands, asking people to rethink their biases and beliefs a bit

Why does every non warmode player have to suffer though? We should be able to fly, even if you don’t want too.

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are you sure you’re not trolling?

cus it is not a single player game, people will just take path of least resistance, why do the xp potion players have to suffer when what they did didnt’ effect your experience or leveling? because it doesnt happen in a vacuum


You realise since war mode is a different thing to regular mode, they could make it so flying is turned off for those that want war mode?
Instead of trying to affect others that will never even touch it?

I just replied to this, people will do what ever is easier always so you have to incentivise people for their own long term interest

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Except i can see all your achivs. Including those earned on your main.

No. Youre trolling because your points are void and your claims are ironical at best. Especially you believing you aint a casual.

Still a casual in my book. Even with the 2.4k in 3v3. For todas standard of PvP thats nothing to brag about (if you actually are into serious arena). All other of your achivs are flat put casual.

Any raid leader of any progression guild will tell you one thing when it comes to logs: They dont matter. They solely exist for checking what went wrong in detail. If you log good one of the following scenarios happened: You ignored tactics. You ignored adds if they didnt bring you additional dps/hps. Your raid has the thing on blindfolded farm.

For HC and Normal: Depends on the pug. The better the average dps of the raid: The better your logs. The worse: The worse your logs. Also depenable at what point the boss dies regarding CDs njada njada. You not being aware of that supports the claim that you are a casual yourself, so dont insult others.

Because it was a exploit. A bannable offense according to the ToA. And im 100% sure you didnt read them.

The soviet union called. They want their idea back.

Also the least resistance would be warmode because of more AP.

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Man you say a lot of stuff that is really irrelevant to the question I pose about flying and just gish gallop a lot, are you sure you aren’t the one trolling here?

Also wtf about the soviet union? Communism is actually really similar to flying, all instant gratification, non flying is hard work and perseverance which brings long term happiness

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I find the zones in WoW most beautiful seen from up high and enjoy them the most that way. I have never understood the argument that the devs are wasting their time developing and creating great zones because I find them gorgeous. The best reason is gameplay for either flying or no flying. What kind of gameplay do we want? Now its too late to pull the plug on flying in my opinion. I’d never level again… I like the current situation. Halfway going through the expansion we get flying. Its fair for most people and frankly I don’t want all people to be happy at the same time… that would be horrible :confused:

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also, you say 2.4k is a joke and I am casual, alright, maybe whaazz or some other r1 says that but when pve world first raiders say that world 100 is lol casual are they being genuine or just exaggerating for effect? You don’t know what you are talking about

you do know, that happiness is subjective?
for me running through mazes doesn’t bring happiness, instead it brings despair and frustration to me
I have seen the same roads, places more times, than I care to count, it is time, to see things from a different perspective
Flying is fun, seeing the world from above is fun, seeing new places, you were not able to see is fun, always running the same roads, flying the same flightpaths, trying to climb the same mountains is NOT fun

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This one is personal. It ruins my immersion to be stuck on the floor. AFKing on flightpaths is not immersive. Flying and controlling my own mount going wherever I want to go is. Exploring the world from up above is immersive.


Happiness is literally not subjective, that is a nihilistic attitude, there are consistent themes and patterns in human psychology, if someone says that doing heroine brings them happiness subjectively, we know that they are wrong, same thing

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Im normally against flyin since the begin. but after 7 months since the release probably we know kultiras and zanadalr better than jaina and talanji… and almost all of us ahave a120. so imho contnuing to running around is useless.

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you are comparing the wrong things here… heroine is a drug and this will not bring happiness, but happiness is still up to the person… happiness for me, might not be happiness for you… there is no real way to determine, what brings happiness to everyone, because it is different for every single person

good point i appreciate the argument more effort than others have made

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Nope because we are all the same species afaik with the same evolutionary history , people generally are happy with fulfilling relationships and meaningful work, so we can see patterns. it is not all subjective

I said everything relevant in my first post. Something you conveniently ignored.

You wanting to force people towards their happiness. Something the Soviet Union did. Also be a good pup and dont mix the soviet union with communism would ya. What they did was an abomination at best.

For todays standards yes. If youre actually INTO Arena PvP. If youre just a casual then thats a very good rating. Are you a casual then?

Top 100 is ranked as Hardcore (something mainly depending on the times played tho. A 3days raiding guild is semi hardcore at best with an regular schedule of 3hrs each). Top 10 is marked as world first race guilds. Actually know how we actually determine said ranking.

Keep believing what you want young one.

Its more you denying/fighting anything and anyone that is simply put disagreeing with your flawed logic.

There is a reason why Flying comes in patches like 8.2. To satisfy the other half. There are two halfs. One wants flying. The other one does not. People like me that dont give a crap about either are not important here.

You dont get flying in the beginning to satisfy the one half and to see the zones in first person so to say. After that is done (and after you have completed achivs that require you to do every zone completely) the other half is getting their wish granted and receives flying.

Its the middle way blizzard takes. You cant go more neutral than that.

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