Delay flying until 9.0

You don’t have to try so hard to get friends. Forums exist mostly for those who complains, people who are happy are playing the game. I am in the minority in this complaint hivemind, so you can relax.

Its a fantasy world with fantasy mounts

They made us do pretty much everything in the world before we could fly, making us experiemce the world before making things faster

People play War Mode?

Ruins immersion is fully opinionated and no where near a fact, don’t state your opinion as fact it makes you come off as arrogant.


Why not just propose the following:

Warmode enables you to fight players from the other faction but also disables your ability to fly.
Problem solved.

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Exactly, why. Might as well remove them actually, since they are nothing but a 1-gcd nuisanse.

Exactly [2], because there are none.

I finished it half a year ago.

Yea, “noone” forces me to subscribe too. You wanted a player-filled world, enjoy your 2,5 remainers who are happy with delayed flying.


If you think the game is nuisance, you can open paint fill it with green put 2 white dots, assume one is ore other is herb and click them all day long as if you are flying over that green field. Have fun with that game, but i like Blizzard’s work better, so no thanks. ı want rivers, roads, stairs, hills, mountains… etc.

%99 of the game is on ground. Crafting, gathering, pvp, dungeons, raids, farming, grinding… you do all fo these on foot, so they don’t have to create any reason so people can be ‘‘encouraged to go ground’’. But there is no reason at all for flying.

Quoting the half of the sentence is your habit i guess, the full one is; You see flying as your birthright, Blizzard says it’s a reward for those who finished the content that will be given when next content is about to come.

Good thing you done it, you will get it when they unlock it.

I don’t want a world filled with players, i want a worl devs keep creating for all these years with rivers, mountains, mobs, treasures… etc. And keep your 10euro/month threats to yourself, trust me noone really cares.

so nice being unsubbed until flying is released. i think i ll do that more often. and if i find out they are gating the flying release somehow, guess what, you are going to gate my sub too! :smiley:

less players playing wow = less money to create what you want, simple math

No reasons for riding either, you can walk, cant you ?, btw the reasons you mention to be on ground is no reasons for riding around, same as flying around to get to these ‘reasons’ to be on ground, getting there by riding or flying is the same, flying is just faster and imo better

Nothing will make me turn warmode on :sunglasses:

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‘Flying ftw!’ - Jonathan Livingston Seagull.

Flying will ruining the game can you do like when you have Ware mode on that flying will be disable. Then the players have the choise

time is precious. wasting on riding on the same areas again and again and again and again doesnt help at all and can get annoying and discourage from doing content.

I ain’t leveling anymore characters past 110 until flying. Especially, my Alliance characters.
Kul’Tiras is such a bland questing experience all-round…I need flying to find any forms of encouragement to level my characters in any of the zones. Other than that, it’s just waiting for the timewalking.


Flying doesnt kill WPVP.
Most of the WPVP happens around world quests, where you need to be unmounted to do anything like kill NPCs.

Awful idea. I want to PVP and Fly to get to the active PVP areas quicker, just like the old PVP servers.


One could argue that doing the same areas again and again and again and again is a waste of time :wink: regardless of how fast you get to these areas.

That’s really at the core of the issue for me personally. The world content isn’t fun. The traversal may take time but it’s the only thing that presents any sort of challenge, especially when combined with wpvp. Otherwise it’s just… a huge grind. Getting to these areas faster is not going to make the notion of grinding WQs any more lucrative. Might just have the opposite effect. But that’s just my thought.

I can’t help but laugh when people use immersion as an argument against flying.

Tell me guys…how can I feel immersed not being able to use my flight form but for some reason taxi mounts can fly?


Bring flying already IT IS ABOUT TIME!


The only reason to use flying is quicker emmisary’s, but I dont really do those on my main because no reason to do them

Considering that there are no real other features in the game flying helps you with, why care? Just keep it disabled in Warmode

People who want it enabled in Warmode just want the free bonus and should be disregarded

I guess it depends on how you look at it, im thinking that if i can do 2 emissaries in the same time as 1 on 2 alts and get, lets say 2000 gold, its 2000 gold more lucrative. but time saved is imo already lucrative no matter what you travel to.

And the traversal is not a challenge, unless you think its a challenge to find the right way to get there on the ground, i have never felt challenged by travel in BfA yet, it could be a challenge in warmode, but thats it, btw even flying can be a challenge in warmode, because of the net that can dismount players high up in the air.

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It’s coming!!!


Boo hoo… poor ganker can’t gank…

Go cry in a corner.

Flying is a good thing, and it should come in 8.2.