Delay flying until 9.0

They just have to use their shoot out of the sky gizmo or get creative like we used to do :wink:


To be fair, if people complain about flying ruining immersion, they shouldn’t even be playing this game. Did they not play any of the WC games? Did they not play Vanilla with its glorious loading screen of a Wildhammer astrider his Gryphon?

Besides, most of them don’t mean ‘immersion’. They don’t care about immersion! If they were on an RP realm, I would take that critique seriously, if they’re not on an RP realm then they have no right to complain about Immersion. They -chose- a realm where Immersion went out of the window. Complaining about its lack now, is a little like going mad over someone else has money, after you threw yours away.

If you want Immersion, you want the game world as it is in lore, That includes flying. If you don’t want Flying, you don’t want Immersion. How hard is that?

So basically because you like the gank fest that is world PvP you want to force other players to do it?

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