Delay flying until 9.0

Hopefully they do not delay, am looking forward to to it myself!

Warmode was not a great success if they had to give more xp and gear to get one faction to actually participate

People don’t want flying because they like flying.

People want flying to skip the dire open world content faster.

Reevaluate your statements about “I want flying”. WoW players are their own worst enemies, asking for cheap ‘fixes’ because they don’t stand back and look at the broader issues. It is precisely the same problem with the whole levelling thing “Make it Fasterer because I don’t like it.”

Ask for special zones designed for flying; ask for an immersive and meaningful open world were you want to be down in the action.


We already seen all zones in this expansion whats the point of stil delaying flying ?

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I’d sell your soul to the Lich King within a blink of an eye if it meant I could have flying.

It’s the most convenient thing that I don’t want to live without more than I have to.

Horde was already overwhelming us (same in rated PvP, casual PvP, M+, raiding
 GJ ignoring racials so much Bliz!) but ontop of it the phasing was broken. So alot turned it off eventually. Really WM is only good for 1 thing and that are the daily airdrop chest, daily bounty (if lucky it drops the mats you need or have a good worth) and weekly quest for the chest after you got the achievements. Basicly if you remove the aspirant set then WM has 0 use.

No, flying should be in regardless the only expac without was vanilla, but that didn’t even had summoning stones or flight paths in the start. Where other games have instants teleports between zones instead of FPs we have flying. They already put in activities for flying, even in BfA there are alot of hidden secrets on the mountain tops for example. Only it takes too long to get up there to bother for most.

TBH we have been asking for flying only content again since MoP, but in WoD they wanted to get rid of flying simply because it would save time on world building. Aka the lazy route.

Regarding the leveling stance, WE HAVE BEEN! They refuse to adjust or fix leveling and just redirect us to the shop while nerfing all options ingame (RAF, XP pots, heirlooms, boosting and 50% XP boost cap). Players aren’t unreasonable so stop blaming us, go ask the devs what they did with out feedback on the PTRs last 3 expansions. So many times told it was a bad idea just for them to ignore it > delete > make it live > forced to admit beta feedback was right.

What I found on Reddit it would be nice if every patch (so every 6 months) they redo 3 zones with new quest and updated story. That alone would help. Or an idea I sprouted elsewhere naga invasions in coastal areas, scroll down for what other people added to it:

Nope, actually we win, by time flying release (8.2) there will be new zones, and old irrelevant except for old rep and levelling, and guess what, they will be like argus = no flying. So even when you get flying you don’t get it


Don’t the devs understand that this is what makes this game boring? Endless grind, no flying in new zones, copy-paste type of quests. For the love of all gods, DEVS STOP MAKING THIS GAME BORING!!!
I love WoW. It’s the way I relax after work. I play whenever I can and has been for 6 years. But I start to feel that enough is enough is coming. I bloody hope this new patch won’t be a bloody disappointing as 8.15!

Stop using common sense and logic. You know you shouldn’t be using either of them. :angry:

Warmode without balancing is just making the faction with less players in it, do it less and less until its very imbalanced anyway

So if it means a few have to shift shards sometimes to make it balanced is better than making 1 faction outnumbered all the time

Balancing shards
 too many of 1 faction gets send to a shard with only their own faction, so the rest of the shards is balanced, I know it means that shard will not have any pvp, but its the best solution imo, because it is almost like that anyway when 1 faction quits because of imbalance

just look at dead factions on old servers, the dead faction just quit or transferred to more populated servers, its the same that is happening with warmode
 1 faction quit when outnumbered, only few remains
 blizzard should have known that
 it will always be like that, outnumbered/imbalanced will make people quit it

i agree, i dont have any need for flying at all. everything is super easy to access and if you dont wanna be dazed just use the leather barding.

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And this is the heart of the flyers argument, it is convenient; but over-convenience and laziness breeds bad long term satisfaction. Same people that want flying want legion wq speed back, why? Because their priority is just convenience and easiness, well if you didn’t notice the easy things in the game are universally seen as boring (warfronts, islands and wq) while the challenging stuff is what people enjoy (raiding/m+/arenas), maybe they should make world quests much harder while we are at it

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there is no need to punish the players who want flying and are happy with it though, if you do not like flying, then don’t
Let the players, who want to fly, fly


i think its fun you call it punish.

have you felt punished the whole expansion and every expansion up on to the flying patch? Its a world in a mmo. flying bypass that. yeah its faster but its not like its hard to get around or annoying. it could have been x10 times worse than it is now.

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it is extremely annoying
 and not fun at all
Have you read even one of my comments before
besides, I said, if you do not like flying then don’t, but let the players, who like flying fly


Why should i have to read your comments from earlier? why is that related to what i wrote.

but im fine with you thinking it is anoying, i just dont share the view of it.

it is related, because there were reasons written why it is so annoying

I actually just want to enjoy the game.

i don’t care if you like to run around with your ground mount, I’ll gladly just fly.

I also don’t care for world quests, I want pvp vendors back.

Also I don’t enjoy any of the content you described (save for arena sometimes) but that’s WoW atm.

I’ve raided on HC, been to duelist arena and done mythic +. It’s all crap content.

Well it is not related because i dont think its the slightest annoying to not fly.

Most people don’t know what’s good for them.

If flight was in from the start of BfA I absolutely assure you those people would be even more bored of the game.

Flying makes it EVEN MORE of a chore. A tick box task simulator, now literally flying from A to B. People can’t see it because it takes more effort to look into the horizon instead of two inches in front of one’s face.