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I think I saw that Discord tag on the Stormwind community discord under “blacklisted”.


Nice try again. You’ve scammed and traced art and ripped people off.


Your discord might be a greeting, but I hope you’ll be bidding us all farewell by taking an extended forum vacation.

You’re an underhanded snake seeking to profit off the naieve. You don’t deserve a platform to speak from.


Also, let it be said: no one needs to have a description in their TRP profile. Characterisation is more effective when it’s portrayed through RP itself – and for many, the character model itself is more than enough to depict their character’s physical appearance.


if anyone wants to commission me for subpar erotic writing it’s 200k per chapter (average length 2500-3000 words), horde AD only.


Between ÂŁ10-100 irl cash rite???

As he said:

My prices will never exceed ÂŁ100 or be cheaper than ÂŁ10 until I get better at the art I provide, and you can contact me via discord to talk about it if you're interested!

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A good rule of thumb when buying art or writing is to make sure the artist has a few examples of the service they provide and, if applicable look at past commisioners and maybe talk to them before buying.


Also check a website called ‘artists beware’ and also google their name for anything. Always a good safety check, spesh if it involves higher costs.

Messaging you now.

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AD’s been rife with art scammers over the years, so it always pays to be careful who you contact to commission – I don’t think I’d be confident paying anyone if they didn’t have some kind of social media presence with evidence of their art (DA/Tumbr/Twitter/Instagram/whatever).

Even outside AD one should always be careful, artscammers and the lots are everywhere and it sucks for those who legitimately want to break into commisioning art or writing and for those for want to start offering such.


Someone want to fill me in? I feel like I’ve missed something?

Basically known as a scammer who traces art and rips people off and goes as far as, when denied free art and the likes (or is caught claiming things as his own), he puts in his TRP3 that they’re a nonce.

Wait, they also accuse detractors of being child abusers?

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Mmhm. Happened to someone I know.

Edit: Got the screenies etc. Just ain’t gonna post the whole thing to here cuz it mentions the guy’s real name in the log. But will DM in game if needs be.

You can censor the guys IRL name if needed and post the logs tho

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:point_up: Yeah c’mon give us the goods

'ang on----- Owner coming.

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How much did he charge for those dragons I wonder