i’m telling mom
Oh…so just an all round garbage human being then…
Pretty much. It’s good to see someone outed for their vile ways with proof for once. I mean yea it’s happened a few times but still. Win win.
I won’t go into details, currently I’m feeling ill and not attentive; but I had similar negative experiences, being dragged into suggestive and awful themes of RP, as well as being called toxic words similar to Gallvin and alike.
Those which had me disgusted and literally burnt out of RP and similar stuff, and how many times I had to resolve the most DISGUSTING types of themes (As currently my focused character is a Stormwind guard which I Roleplay), and I’m tired of such behaviour and responses. Not to mention the needless hate I or others may get similar to how this person gives.
Seriously, Enough.
I’m just honestly getting tired of Argent Dawn and all the drama that is happening…
Like I don’t even understand what is happening, someone buys and art or a boost gets scammed. Okay move to next, there are plenty of scammers online.
It’s their fault for not doing research etc…
Because this person keeps trying to scam people (on top of being extremely toxic), which is why we have to call that behavior out.
How about we don´t blame the people who fell for a scammer and rather blame the scammer?
sorry you got robbed.
but you deserved it. it wasn’t the robber’s fault, you should’ve studied that street before walking through it.
When I got to buy some makeup, I go to a random bad store I never been there or saw any of the reviews and I buy an eyeshadow, and it sucks badly.
Who’s fault is that? Mine.
I’m not blaming anyone, I’m saying if you don’t do any research and just buy from a random person you don’t know anything about…
They knew what they were getting themselves into when they took that risk
Wouldn’t you want to tell your community about the store so no one would fall in the same unfortunate situation as you though?
True to a degree. Though the scammed person will still warn their community, which is what’s happening in this thread.
Ofcourse the best way to avoid scams/danger is prevention in theory. Although in a real situation like this scam, it’s also a valid reason to mitigate future risks via telling people your story.
Yeah I would that’s why there are reviews out there. But if the “store” doesn’t have the reviews it’s the risk, and everyone who goes there will know the risk they are taking.
Fine, but on Argent Dawn there is enough drama… I would hate for Forums to become second “Twitter” full of Cancel Culture.
Then tab out of this thread.
Forget about it forever and look for the more positive threads like events and initiatives.
Don’t come in here and undermine a person’s story about losing so much to a scam because "there is too much drama right now, the servers are full
Position in queue: 47264"
That’s my joice tho.
It just makes me sad that Argent Dawn turned into so much drama, and lots of realms and guilds die like that. Wouldn’t want that to happen to AD.
Which is why previous customers should post reviews, preferably somewhere where people can see them.
I don´t know, maybe on some sort of public forum where the store placed its ad or something.
Imagine comparing people outing a scammer to Cancel Culture.
It has not turned to anything, drama has always been there and always will be there, it´s natural outcome of being part of giant community where anyone can join.
Just because you did not see the drama before does not mean it did not exist.
It’s their choice to undermine peoples’ shortcomings and blame them on paper for “not studying the store”, apparently.
Imagine being the person scammed and someone tells you to bottle up inside because they don’t want “more drama” on the forums.
Very well but, have you done anything in order to reduce the amount of drama happening? Or resolving some, or anything?
Not saying you did or didn’t, just asking. Since bringing up this constantly carries less weight when you didn’t do something for it.
Honestly, when I got on twitter all I can see “Jeffree Star is a scammer, he didn’t do this product right, here are screenshots! Cancel Him And Blacklist Him From your communities ”
Not creating it.
Also is it even legal to get things like TRP3 written by someone else for money? I’m not sure what’s quite happening because the thread is “removed” and there are lots of different comments.
I wish drama threads simmer down too. But you can’t just do that practically since every thread is a genuine person’s dilemma/story that they don’t want bottled inside.
If you really want to tell people, you should make your own thread Serena.
Pour your heart and points out about it. Posting through thread by thread telling people they shouldn’t be mad about their tragedies isn’t the way to go.
I´d say they made it worse in this particular scenario. Before they barged in with the “no drama please”, this was a simple case where one bad apple did something awful and the entire community was in agreement that it´s bad and the person should be blacklisted.
Then they come and suddenly thread which was filled with people in complete agreement and support for each other turns into debate on whether we should call out bad behavior.
So yes,
you created it, you are part of the problem.
Don´t know who that is and don´t really care.
This person is extremely toxic on top of scamming people, but hey, I´m sure they are happy you are defending them because you DoN´T wAnT tHE dRaMA.
Last time I checked Freedom of Speech and Opinions are a thing
All I can say is that I feel no empathy towards The Scammed person or The Scammer.
They are both wrong in my opinion.
Scammer is a terrible human being who is leeching off other humans.
Scammed person probably was too lazy to write his own TRP3, was too lazy to do research from the scammer.
This is my final thoughts on the matter I will not expand this topic any further, as it was probably the wish of the person who posted it.
Cold logic: the post