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We’re one post away from asking: “Yes but what were you wearing? It looks like you might have been asking for it” .


In that case stop complaining about drama, since other people have the right to write anything too.
Hypocrite much?

OK mister enlightened centrist.


This is the “store”. These are the reviews.
Warning people of a known scammer isn’t drama. It’s common courtesy.


That’s basically like saying I should be penalised for buying clothes in a store because I did not tailor them myself…

The scammer is 100% at fault as their intention to rip off a niche in any market is bad no matter what way you put it. The customer’s intentions are only to receive what they purchase.

We all make mistakes and have probably been ripped off one way or another through life. It doesn’t make it okay to take advantage of that if you have any decency.


Why is it always the draenei posters.

Im starting to believe that Serena is just a very eloquent moron (or preferably a troll) and not some well-meaning rando who just discovered the forums

also too deep in the spectrum to realize that playing devil’s advocate in every drama thread isn’t a good thing to do either


Why your takes and opinions are so bad lol


Warning people about a scammer is not a bad thing whatsoever.

Even less so when OP has a very occuring history of doing this, showing and showed zero remorse but instead has mocked those scammed. As well as the awful behaviour others have spoken up about, from insults to death threats, harassment, slander and much more.

This is an individual who should absolutley be made aware of and outed since they have no place in any community whatsoever and should never get a single cent of money again. And its entierly their own fault.


I decided to pop back, this is not just about someone supporting their friend and the friend scamming them - This is also about players being asked for free stuff and simply declining them only to be harassed nonstop with toxic behaviour or players just merely associating with someone that OP did not like and then being insulted on in their TRP and ignoring the person’s request for it to be removed.

This isn’t just about people or his own friends getting scammed, this player seems to be extremely toxic and has been out-right harassing players to the point he’s accusing them of such vile things. This person already has 3 forums in total 2 of which trying to provide their “commission service” and one related to telling someone to kill themselves.

They literally began harassing someone for purely just pointing out that they took OOC info and brought it IC - There is no excuse to literally harass someone on multiple alts and then try to get free art and when told no calling the person vile things and using the excuse, “Oh they’re PCU” - This community needs more wholesomeness but ignoring people who are genuinely the reason the community is getting worse and making nice people want to just give up with RP is bad.


… you do know you can get scammed without knowing it’s a scam, right? That’s how it works.

You could look at someones website and know it’s totally legit. So you decide to try it out and boom maybe a few weeks later you realize you’ve been had.

I personally don’t see how that can be relevant to the situation if you even read some of the comments. Scamming people on a game is not okay, it’s not the persons fault. I personally don’t think you’ve seen the art community for long enough to know this.

But this is besides the point, the person is AWFUL. Threatens people with death and I was the one that was harassed quite badly with if you even checked the imgur link prior, but probably not.


No, they are just wagging their finger at the rest of us.

I believe I said that I won’t post more on the thread but I guess people really like to reply to me.

Insulting people doesn’t prove your point, quite opposite it proves that you have nothing else to say than some insults your learnt in High School.

Just discovered the forums? :thinking:

You know that I have been on these forums for very long time, and had multiple characters I have been posting with. Just because I wasn’t active on Argent Dawn doesn’t mean outside forums don’t exist.

I will gladly enlighten you that there are other forums outside of Argent Dawn Roleplayers ones.

But as you wish you can always stay in your bubble. :slight_smile:

For other people who actually put some constructive comments and made me think about the situation a bit deeper.

I realize what you mean, and I do agree. I’m just trying to say that when forums turn to She Said He Said, it becomes just a second twitter.

As I said, I never agreed that Scammer did nothing wrong. I simply did question the scammed person to see the whole picture.
I never said scamming is okay or that it should be done.
But people need to be careful with those things, and there is nothing Blizzard can do about this.

Also it makes me quite skeptical about the rules since person paid with real life money.

I’m fine with people disagreeing with me, it’s our human nature. I do disagree and question things, it’s my nature as well.

But when someone starts insulting me and calling me a troll etc. I will not allow them to do, and they will be put on my ignore list.

I’m also grateful for the constructive comments from couple of posters who replied. It helped see the situation in a different light.

Thank you! :heart:
I’m sorry for the wall of text everyone.

Yet you technically insult the poor victims who were scammed because it’s their fault? Okay, bud.


How did I actually insult them?



Before every post I firstly state that is my own opinion.

Second of all, in my opinion if someone buys for example boost for Ny’alotha ahead of the curve is lazy to do it themselves. It’s pay to win.

as I said in my opinion :slight_smile:

because you CLEARLY haven’t read the rest of the thread.

Maybe don’t just waltz into threads going; “stop drama-ing around me!” especially when this one has been pretty good about warning a person of a scammer WHO IS STILL TRYING TO SCAM PEOPLE.

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I will respond to Serena and be polite as I can as I imagine they didn’t know the full context of why this person was in trouble, it started off the with scammers friend commissioning them to be supportive like any friend would, that person then found out that someone that was suppose to be close with them had actually scammed them. This person also decided to use Covid as a reason for sympathy and did try to guilt trip others in to commissioning them, some people like to commission art and some enjoy commissioning creative writing.


I said that because I was influenced by the other threads here on Argent Dawn.

For some reason I saw lots of hostility towards people and lots of drama around.

I wish it was just a bit less.

Yeah true.

I guess people buying art are also lazy to draw their own, huh?

If it isn’t against ToS(FYI there is no freedom of speech on the wow forums haha) then it’s alright to have supply and demand, naturally if the latter exists then people will offer anything. The key is if its legit or not.